Controlling access to code

Bitbucket Data Center and Server provides the following types of permissions to allow fully customizable control of access to code.



Control user and group access to Bitbucket projects and to the Bitbucket instance configuration. For example, these can be used to control the number of user accounts that can access Bitbucket for licensing purposes.

See Global permissions.


Apply the same access permissions to all repositories in a project. For example, these can be used to define the core development team for a project.

See Using project permissions.

Repository permissions

Extend access to a particular repository for other, non-core, users. For example, these can be used to allow external developers or consultants access to a repository for special tasks or responsibilities.

See Using repository permissions.


Control commits to specific branches within a repository. For example, these can provide a way to enforce workflow roles such as the Release Manager, who needs to control merges to the release branch.

See Using branch permissions.

Permissions matrix

The table below summarizes the cumulative effect of the permissions described above for anonymous and logged in users. In general, repository permissions override project permissions. A personal project can not be made public.


参照Can view repository files, clone, pull to local
対象ページCan browse, clone, pull, create pull requests, fork to a personal project
書き込みCan merge pull requests
Create repositoryCan create repositories in a project and become repository admins for the repos they create
管理Can edit settings and permissions
(logged in) 
プロジェクトリポジトリブランチEffective permission
(error)PersonalPublic accessN/ABrowse just that repo
(error)アクセスなしPublic accessN/ABrowse just that repo
(error)Public accessPublic accessN/ABrowse all repos in project
(tick)PersonalPublic accessN/ARead just that repo
(tick)アクセスなしPublic accessN/ARead just that repo
(tick)Public accessアクセスなしN/ARead all repos in project
(tick)Public accessPublic accessN/A対象ページ
(tick)Public accessPublic accessFor this userRead that branch, no Write
(tick)アクセスなし対象ページN/ARead just that repo
(tick)Public access対象ページN/ARead just that repo
(tick)対象ページアクセスなしN/ARead all repos in project
(tick)対象ページPublic accessN/ARead all repos in project
(tick)対象ページ対象ページN/ARead all repos in project
(tick)対象ページアクセスなしFor this userRead that branch, no Write
(tick)アクセスなし書き込みN/AWrite just that repo
(tick)Public access書き込みN/AWrite just that repo
(tick)書き込みアクセスなしN/AWrite all repos in project
(tick)書き込み書き込みN/AWrite all repos in project
(tick)書き込み書き込みFor other usersWrite to other branches only
(tick)Create repositoryアクセスなしN/AWrite all repos and create new repos in project. Users become admins of the repositories they create.
(tick)Create repository書き込みN/AWrite all repos and create new repos in project. Users become admins of the repositories they create.
(tick)Create repository書き込みFor other usersWrite to other branches only and create new repos in project. Users become admins of the repositories they create.

Can edit settings and permissions
最終更新日 2022 年 11 月 8 日


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