Compare branches, tags, and commits
Use Bitbucket Data Center and Server
- Importing code from an existing project
- Creating projects
- Creating repositories
- リポジトリのクローン
- Archive a repository
- HTTP アクセス トークン
- Controlling access to code
- Workflow strategies
- プル リクエスト
- 既定タスク
- Bitbucket search syntax
- Webhook を管理する
- 通知
- Markdown syntax guide
- アドオンをリクエストする
- Set the default time zone
- Download a repository archive
- Creating a Contributions guidelines file
- Working with Git LFS Files
- Compare branches, tags, and commits
- Commit history
- Syncing users based on their access rights
- Mapping a Directory to an Application
- Testing a User's Login to an Application
- Effective memberships with multiple directories
- Granting Crowd User Rights to a User
- Configuring directories for failover authentication
- Automatically Assigning Users to Groups
- Editing a User's Group Membership
- Specifying Directory Permissions
- Specifying an Application's Directory Permissions
You can quickly find revision changes using the Compare page.
Comparing revisions
Available in Bitbucket Data Center and Server 6.3 onwards.
To compare revisions in Bitbucket Data Center and Server:
- Navigate to the repository where you want to compare revisions.
- From the sidebar, click
- In the Compare page, from both the Source and Destination dropdown, select any combination of branches, tags, or commits. The source and target branches, commits, or tags may be located in different forks.
- Once selections are made, the comparison results display in a diff and a commits list tab.
Bitbucket uses git diff ...
A three-dot diff is a comparison between the commit where the feature branch was last synched with the destination branch and the most recent version of the feature branch.
A two-dot diff is the direct comparison of two committish references such as SHAs.
最終更新日 2023 年 5 月 31 日
- Syncing users based on their access rights
- Mapping a Directory to an Application
- Testing a User's Login to an Application
- Effective memberships with multiple directories
- Granting Crowd User Rights to a User
- Configuring directories for failover authentication
- Automatically Assigning Users to Groups
- Editing a User's Group Membership
- Specifying Directory Permissions
- Specifying an Application's Directory Permissions
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