How to push to repository under SSH protocol using Script task
プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
The following instructions only work with SSH keys with no passphrase defined. You can optionally run an ssh-agent that will manage SSH keys that contain a password. How to use an ssh-agent is out of the scope of this article.
This page is available as a courtesy only and its content should be considered as legacy documentation. If you are running Bamboo 6.7 or later, please use a Source control task instead to commit/push in Bamboo. A Source control task provides you with all the required authentication and control in a transparent way. Scripting and SSH configurations are unsupported and their results are not guaranteed.
Set up Bamboo to be able to push source code to your Git repository using the SSH protocol (from the Bamboo Server as a Local Agent or a Bamboo Remote or Elastic Agent). You will need to prepare every Bamboo Agent with those keys so they are able to push and pull changes from your Bitbucket repository. Your Bitbucket repository (or any Git repository you wish to use) should have those SSH public keys approved.
1. Generate Public and Private keys:
For accessing Bitbucket Cloud or Server over SSH without a configured Application Link, you will need an SSH keypair. This is also true for other third-party Git Server implementations. There are many ways to generate an SSH keypair. We'll cover a few:
- Using OpenSSH Client - For this, we need to install the OpenSSH Client then use the
command to generate the keys - Using Putty to generate the keys
In this article, we will be using Putty for generating the SSH keys.
- Download the Putty client and install it
- Go to the Putty install directory and then execute the
application - Hit on "Generate" and then start moving your mouse to generate the keys
- Once the keys are generated, copy the public key and save it to the directory
with the file
- Now in your
application, go to "Conversions" and then select "Export OpenSSH Key" to export the private key to the directory<path-to-Users>\<user-name>\.ssh
with the file nameid_rsa
2. Edit the "hosts" file and set up an SSH host alias
3. Configure Bitbucket
Add the generated SSH public keys to your Bitbucket repository:
- Bitbucket Cloud - Add access keys
- Bitbucket Server - SSH user keys for personal use
- Bitbucket Server - SSH access keys for system use
4. Set up a Script task
In Bamboo, add a Script task to your existing Job after the Source Code Checkout task:
The Script task below needs to come after a Source Code Checkout task. The Source Code Checkout task will prepare the build location by initialising the git directory and executing the initial fetch, hence there is no need to run those git init/fetch commands in the script task below.
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git remote set-url origin"
echo "# =================== #"
git remote set-url origin "ssh://stash.repository:7999/bam/ssh.git"
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git config -l"
echo "# =================== #"
git config -l
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git config user"
echo "# =================== #"
git config --local root
git config --local root@localhost
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# create file"
echo "# =================== #"
echo "${bamboo.planKey}-${bamboo.buildNumber}" >> file.txt
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git add file.txt"
echo "# =================== #"
git add file.txt
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git commit"
echo "# =================== #"
git commit -m "add ${bamboo.planKey}-${bamboo.buildNumber}"
echo "# =================== #"
echo "# git push origin master"
echo "# =================== #"
git push origin master
Run a new build and you should find the following in the build logs:
simple 29-May-2015 16:34:27 Starting task 'git push - no passphrase' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
command 29-May-2015 16:34:27 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Repositories - Git (Stash) - Default Job #2 (REP-GS-JOB1-2)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh /tmp/\n ... in: /<bamboo-home>/xml-data/build-dir/REP-GS-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables:
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git remote set-url origin
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git config -l
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 core.repositoryformatversion=0
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 core.filemode=true
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 core.bare=false
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 core.logallrefupdates=true
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 remote.origin.url=ssh://stash.repository:7999/bam/ssh.git
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 remote.origin.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git config user
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # create file
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git add file.txt
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git commit
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 [master dfcbee9] add REP-GS-2
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # git push origin master
build 29-May-2015 16:34:27 # =================== #
error 29-May-2015 16:34:27 To ssh://stash.repository:7999/bam/ssh.git
error 29-May-2015 16:34:27 99e9848..dfcbee9 master -> master
simple 29-May-2015 16:34:27 Finished task 'git push - no passphrase' with result: Success