Bamboo Remote Agent installation: Solving security token authentication errors


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When attempting to install a Bamboo agent with the security token option enabled, the installation may fail with the one of the following error:

"Security token is required for preliminary authentication, but none was provided. Please obtain the token from"
"Security token verification failed. Please obtain the correct token from"


This issue has been observed with Bamboo version 9.2.13, but it is applicable to any version of Bamboo.


Below errors can be seen during the agent installation process.

  • Below error occurs when there is no security token passed:

    "Security token is required for preliminary authentication, but none was provided. Please obtain the token from"
  • Below error occurs when an incorrect security token passed:

    "Security token verification failed. Please obtain the correct token from"


In Bamboo, there is an option to enable security token verification during the agent installation process. When this option is activated, a valid security token must be provided during the agent installation.


Solution 1:

  1. Get the valid security token by navigating to Bamboo administration > Build resources > Agents > Install remote agent page.

  2. Validate the value set for the parameter in the <bamboo-agent-home>/conf/wrapper.conf file.
    1. If the value is incorrect or empty, edit it to the correct token obtained from step 1.
    2. If the line is missing, add the following entry after<VALID_SECURITY_TOKEN>
  3. After updating the valid security token, stop the Bamboo agent if it is running, and then start it again.

Solution 2:

  1. Stop the Bamboo agent if it is running and then delete the <AGENT_HOME_DIR> 
  2. Install the Bamboo agent by executing the following command by substituting

    • <AGENT_HOME_DIR> with agent's home directory,

    • <BAMBOO_URL> with your Bamboo server's URL

    • <TOKEN> with the valid security token by navigating to Bamboo administration > Build resources > Agents > Install remote agent

$ java -Dbamboo.home=<AGENT_HOME_DIR> -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-9.2.13.jar <BAMBOO_URL>/agentServer/ -t <TOKEN>

Known Bug

If the agent installation instructions displayed in the UI are followed, the installation may fail because the -t option is missing, and there is a known bug BAM-25913 - Getting issue details... STATUS associated with this issue.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully install the Bamboo agent with the security token option enabled. If you continue to experience issues, please consult the Bamboo documentation or contact support for further assistance.

最終更新日: 2024 年 10 月 22 日


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