カスタム パターンを作成する

You can create your own custom patterns and edit or disable patterns. You can't modify the default pattern, you can just create a custom pattern as a copy of the existing one. You can modify the custom pattern after saving it.

Create a custom pattern

To create a custom pattern, run Discovery (use the command Discovery.exe -s), and go to the Pattern tab. Then:

  • To create a new pattern, select Create pattern. You'll see the Pattern Editor view in a creation mode with some predefined data.
  • To import a pattern from an existing *.pat file, select Import pattern from file and select the file you need.

Create pattern view

  • To create a pattern from an existing pattern, find the pattern you need. Then, next to the pattern name, select Copy . You'll see the Pattern Editor view with predefined data and modified Pattern name and ID.

Create pattern from another pattern view

Pattern Editor view

Below, you can see more information about the Pattern Editor view.






The name that will be displayed on UI and in logs. Should be unique.


Any text value.

(info) The SSH pattern name should start from the name of OS that should be scanned. For example: Linux_ , MacOS_, Solaris_, IBM_, Solaris_.


The pattern version in semantic format X.Y.Z (X.Y.Z.W). The version is displayed in logs and helps to identify what exact version of the pattern was executed.


Version in format X.Y.Z


The pattern's unique ID. It allows to identify patterns while running scan.


Any text value

Alternative pattern

The pattern that will be executed if current pattern can't be processed. For example, if a PowerShell pattern can't be executed, you can run another pattern by using WMI.


Pattern name selected from the list of available patterns

Order Number

The order number determines the execution sequence of similar patterns. For example, if you have two patterns that set hostinfo.Hostname, the pattern with the higher order number will be executed last, and the Hostname will be set by the last executed pattern. The order number also allows for the extension of the Discovery object created by the pattern with the lower order number.


Numeric value - 1, 2, 3...

Process Type

Identifies the processing type for the command specified in the Command field. For example, WMIQuery will attempt to execute the command as a WMI query, while SNMP_GET will retrieve the values for the selected OIDs.



Pattern Type

Identifies the object that will be received as a parameter in the C# code defined in the Processing field.

The parameters[2] will contain the selected object, allowing it to be extended in the current pattern. For example, if a HostInfo object was created in the Windows_Hostinfo_Hostname_Model pattern and you want to set or customize some properties of this object in your custom pattern, you need to:

  1. Select Host from the list.

  2. Cast the object in the pattern code:

    HostInfo hostInfo = (HostInfo)parameters[2];
  3. Set the desired property:

    hostInfo.Model = "Test model"; ```"

If the selected object properties doesn’t fit your needs, you can extend the object information.





Command executed on the remote machine. The command execution depends on selected Process type.


Any command that can be executed remotely for the specified type


C# code used to process data received as output from command execution on a remote machine.

The code in the fields will be automatically compiled and checked for errors upon saving. You won't be able to save a pattern if the code can't be executed during a scan.


C# code.

More about the code requirements  

Pattern processing

The PerformAction method (public void PerformAction(object[] parameters) {}) in the Processing field is mandatory and the Discovery-Tool invokes it with an object array that includes the following three objects:

parameters[0]コマンド結果初期パターン コマンドの結果を含みます。





スキャンの開始時に最初に作成される HostInfo-/Device-オブジェクトを含みます。

public void PerformAction(object[] parameters)
  HostInfo hostInfo = (HostInfo)parameters[2];

You can use next scan objects and properties to add scan data.

We recommend that you develop and test a new pattern in a non-production environment and set up a connection to the Host or Device that returns the result data you want to handle with from Discovery. 

Then, disable all patterns excluding the main HostInfo Pattern, such as Linux_Hostinfo_Hostname, Windows_Hostinfo_Hostname_Model, or SNMP_Deviceinfo_Default. It's mandatory to have a main HostInfo object that includes the Hostname. With this setup, it's possible to quickly test a new pattern without waiting for responses from all other patterns.

To move or copy custom patterns from one Discovery host to another, you need to export and import *.pat files. You can't directly copy patterns.bpat files as it would work only on the instance where it was created.

Check out more custom pattern examples

プロバイダー クラス

For connecting to Host or Devices, there are four types of Providers used by the Discovery-Tool:

The following sections describe Providers handling the connection and execution of commands to collect data.

Inside a Pattern, you can use the actual connected Provider to execute additional commands if more information from the System is needed.

SSH プロバイダー

The SSH-Provider-Class is connected to a Linux System and can be used inside a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
SSHProvider ssh = (SSHProvider)parameters[1];
// using the SSH-Provider to execute a command and receiving the result.
var result = (SSHExecuteResult)ssh.ExecuteCommand("hostname"); // returning the hostname of a Linux System

For example, a cast SSHProvider is used in the "Linux_Hostinfo_Hostname.pat" Pattern.

WMI プロバイダー

The WMI-Provider-Class is connected to a Windows System and can be used inside a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
WMIProvider wmiProvider = (WMIProvider)parameters[1];
// using the WMI-Provider to read a Registry Value.
var result = (WMIRegValueResult)wmiProvider.GetRegistryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<Key>", "DisplayName");
// using the WMI-Provider to get a List of all Registry-Sub-Keys.
var result = (WMIRegValueListResult)wmiProvider.GetSubKeysFromRegistry("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\");
//using the WMI-Provider to execute a WMI query receiving the result.
var result = (WMIQueryResult)wmiProvider.ExecuteWMIQuery("netstat -an");
//using the WMI-Provider to execute a command and receiving the result.
var result = (WMIExecuteResult)wmiProvider.ExecuteWMICommand("netstat -an");

SNMP プロバイダー

The SNMP-Provider-Class is connected to a SNMP Device and can be used inside a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using System.Text;

// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
SNMPProvider snmp = (SNMPProvider)parameters[1];

// (Optional) Return octet strings as HEX
snmp.OctetStringAsHex = true;

// (Optional) Set encoding for octet string (Encoding.ASCII, Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Unicode, or Encoding.UTF32)
snmp.OctetStringEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;

// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPGet command and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_GET, true);
// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPWalk command and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_WALK, true);

// using the SNMP-Provider to execute a SNMPWalk command with contextName and receiving the results
var result = (SNMPExecuteResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("", ScanProcessType.SNMP_WALK, "myContext",true);

VIM プロバイダー

The SNMP-Provider-Class is connected to a VMWare ESXi System and can be used inside a Pattern:

using Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses; // Include the ProviderClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
using Insight.Discovery.InfoClasses; // Include the InfoClasses Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// Casting the connected Provider out of the parameters from the PerformAction-Method
VIMProvider snmp = (SNMPProvider)parameters[1];
// using the VIM-Provider to execute a command and receiving the results
var result = (VIMCommandResult)snmp.ExecuteCommand("HostSystem");



アプリの InstallDate など Discovery-Object の Date 属性を設定する場合は、特定の形式 ("MM/dd/yyyy") にする必要があります。

提供される ImportService.ImportDate メソッドを使って変換を実行できます。

using Insight.Discovery.Tools; // Include the Discovery Tools Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// using the ImportDate Method to transform the Date string of a result Object
discoveryObject.InstallDate = ImportService.Instance.ImportDate("resultDateString");
// The following input formats will be transformed:
// "MM/dd/yy", "M/dd/yy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M/dd/yyyy", "MM/dd/yy", "M/d/yy", "MM/d/yyyy", "M/d/yyyy", "yyyyMMdd", "yyMMdd", "dd.MM.yy", "dd.MM.yyyy", "MMM-dd-yy", "MMM-dd-yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"


Discovery ログファイルにエントリを書き込む場合は、提供される LogService クラスが使えます。

using Insight.Discovery.Tools; // Include the Discovery Tools Namespace at the Head of the PatternCode
// creating a "normal" log entry
LogService.Instance.LogNormal("My normal log entry");
// creating a "debug" log entry with additional Exception object
	LogService.Instance.LogDebug("a debug log entry");
	// Code that could raise an exception
catch (Exception ex)
	LogService.Instance.LogError("Log of an exception", ex);

Custom pattern for Discovery Agent

Starting from Discovery Agents 7.1.0, you can use custom pattern for Discovery Agent scans:

  1. Create a custom pattern.
  2. Go to the Agent tab of the Discovery tool.
  3. Select Patterns transfer and select the custom pattern.
  4. Save the selection.

The Discovery tool will generate a secure agent_patterns.bpat file. During the next data collection from the connected agents, this agent_patterns.bpat file will be transferred to the Discovery Agent and securely stored using an Agent Token generated by the agent. If the file is modified on the Discovery side (if the list of patterns changes or a custom pattern is edited), it'll be re-generated and sent to the agent.

If you aren't using Discovery Agents 7.1.0 (or later) together with the Discovery tool, you can configure the custom patterns list in the following way:

  1. Create a custom pattern.

  2. In the Pattern Transfer list, select your patterns.

  3. Save the selection.

  4. Run Discovery -exportpatterns. More about Discovery commands

  5. Copy the agent_patterns.bpat file from <Discovery root folder>/pattern_export to all the agents. Discovery Agent shouldn't have AgentToken configured.

On next Discovery Agent scan run, the new pattern list will be executed.

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 6 日


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