ここでは、ヘルプ センターのレイアウトを簡単に紹介します。
ポータル カード: すべてのカスタマー ポータルを表示して、すばやく切り替えられます。
最近: 最近発生したリクエストのタイプを表示します。
並べ替え: カスタマー ポータルを人気度、昇順、降順で並べ替えます。ポータルの人気度は発生したリクエストの数に基づいて決まります。
ヘルプ センターのカスタマイズ
顧客がヘルプ センターを最大限活用できるように、以下の 3 つを行うことをお勧めします。
ヘルプ センターのブランディング
セルフサービスのナレッジ ベースのセットアップ
顧客とのヘルプ センターの共有
Who can do this?
Jira 管理者
You can brand the help center in a number of ways and allow project admins and agents to add announcements to the help center.
- In the upper-right corner of the screen, select Administration and then select Applications.
- Under Jira Service Management (in the left-side panel), select Configuration.
- In the Help Center section, select the View and customize link.
Using the options in this section, you can allow project admins and agents to add announcements to the help center. - From the Customize help center panel (on the right side), you can configure any of the following:
- ヘルプ センターのお知らせの追加
- ログイン画面へのお知らせの追加
- ヘルプ センターの命名
- ロゴの追加
- バナー画像またはバナー背景色の追加
- コンポーネントの色の変更
- Select Save changes to publish your announcement and update your branding.
Branding doesn't stop at just the help center. You can also brand the customer portal that belongs to a service project. How to configure the customer portal.
If you have Jira Service Management and Confluence, you can deflect common requests and solve issues faster by connecting your service project to Confluence and using it as a knowledge base. How to set up a knowledge base for self-service.
Customers can read articles in the help center to self-serve their requests and mark articles as helpful or not. If customers still need to contact your team after reading a knowledge base article, they can select one of the suggested request types or browse all customer portals they have access to.
ヘルプ センターには、Jira Service Management インスタンスのすべてのカスタマー ポータルが表示されます。顧客はここで、アクセス可能な任意のポータルでリクエストを申請できます。
Using the Requests button in the top-right corner of the screen they can view all requests they’ve raised. The filters and the sort options in the columns helps customers quickly locate requests.
How to view requests in the help center
ヘルプ センターを顧客と共有するには、次のリンクを送信します。
顧客をサービス プロジェクトに追加すると、ヘルプ センターにそのアカウントが作成されます。
To share the direct link to a specific portal, send them the Visit the portal link from Customer channels of that service project.
ヘルプ センターへのアクセスの管理
You can configure your help center access in different ways:
- Choose who can raise requests.
- Choose who your customers can share requests with.
More about managing access to your service project
The customer portal integrates with Atlassian Crowd, Atlassian's single sign-on (SSO) framework. For information about integrating with third-party SSO providers, refer to Single sign-on integration with Jira and Confluence.
The smart search algorithm learns from past searches and request types raised, so if a customer has previously raised a hardware request for a laptop and monitor they can search for 'laptop' or 'monitor' in the future to find the same hardware request type. It also performs a similarity search, so if you searched for 'Onboard employee' you'd see the 'Onboard new employee' request type in the results.
Furthermore, the smart search has been built to be language-agnostic, it can learn from search words or phrases entered in any language. As customers enter more searches and raise more requests, the search algorithm gets smarter regardless of the language used.
Your team can help improve search results by updating the request type field. For example, if a customer has searched for 'new laptop' but raised a software request instead of a hardware request, agents can correct the request type field in the issue view. More about request types.