Bamboo における個人用アクセス トークン
For added security, when you’re creating a token you can also set it to automatically expire. This is optional, but if your admin has made this a requirement you’ll need to select an expiry date that’s within the limits they’ve set. Once a token has been created, its expiry date can't be changed. You can see the expiry dates for all your tokens in the HTTP access tokens page list.
You can authenticate with personal access tokens to:
call REST APIs
download artifacts
download build and deployment logs
download agent installer
Using personal access tokens
認証に個人用アクセス トークンを使用するには、REST API コールの Authorization ヘッダーでベアラ トークンとして渡す必要があります。
Here's an example of rest using a bearer token:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer NDc4NDkyNDg3ODE3OstHYSeYC1UgXqRacSqvUbookcZk" http://localhost:8085/bamboo/rest/api/latest/plan/PROJ-PLAN
Managing personal access tokens
To view and manage your personal access token in Bamboo:
- Admins can't create tokens for users.
- Admins can revoke tokens from Administration > Security > Users > {user_name} > Personal access tokens page.
Creating a token
- From the top navigation bar select your avatar, and select Profile.
Select the Personal access tokens tab.
Here you can view your existing tokens or create a new one.- Select the Create token button.
- Give your token a name.
Assign permissions to your token.
Optionally, set an expiration date for your token.
This step may be required if your system admin has made setting personal token expiration a requirement.
Record your token in a safe manner. For security reasons, the token value is shown only once. If you don’t record the token value or lose it you won’t be able to recover it and will have to create a new token.
- Select Finish.
Revoking a token
- From the top navigation bar select your avatar, and select Profile.
Select the Personal access tokens tab.
Hover over your token name.
The revoke button appears on the right.Select Revoke.
- Select Confirm.