IPv6 in Bamboo



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Bamboo supports communication over IPv6. We’ve taken the dual-stack approach (IPv4 + IPv6), so IPv4 addresses will still work. If your systems are IPv6-only, make sure you read about the limitations below. 

What is IPv6?

IPv6 stands for “Internet Protocol Version 6”, and is the next-generation Internet protocol designed to replace the current IPv4 protocol. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created IPv6 standard described in RFC 8200 to accommodate the growing number of users and devices accessing the Internet. 

IPv6 addresses are 128 bits, which allows for approx. 3.4×1038 unique IP addresses. Here’s an example of an IPv6 address:


べスト プラクティス

We recommend that you use hostnames or domain names instead of IP addresses everywhere in the Bamboo configuration. It's a more reliable way of configuring and accessing both Bamboo and other Atlassian products.



These limitations apply if your systems use only IPv6 instead of dual-stack:

  • You won't be able to connect to Atlassian Marketplace, as it requires IPv4.
  • End of Life check won't work, because it needs to connect to Atlassian Marketplace.
  • You won't be able to integrate with Atlassian Cloud products, as they require IPv4. 
  • Log Analyzer won't work, as it requires IPv4.
  • When configuring LDAP, use hostnames, not IPv6 addresses. Otherwise, you'll get a validation error.
  • Bamboo requires running using with java.net.preferIPv6Addresses sys property set to true, to operate normally in IPv6 environment.

There are no IPv6 endpoints for EC2, the only service that we use that has IPv6 endpoints is S3.
  • Remote agents: tested  in both IPv4 and IPv6 set ups.
  • Remote agents authentication:
  • In case of IPv4 it is possible to use wildcards, e.g. 192.168.50.*
  • In case of IPv6 Use CIDR instead of wildcards: 2a05:d014:f7d:f801:b1a4:dec3::/32
  • Elastic agents: required IPv4 as there are no IPv6 endpoints for EC2.

RSS requires dual stack IPv4/IPv6 set up to work properly in both Docker and without Docker modes. RSS is not supported in IPv6 pure set up.

  • Requires dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) set up on host.
  • Tested with Docker version: 18.03.1-ce.
NPM task...
  • Requires dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) set up on host.
  • Tested with npm version: 5.6.0, node version: 8.11.3
IM notifications...
  • Tested with Openfire 4.2.3
Databases connectivity...
  • Oracle: tested with Oracle 12c
  • MS SQL: tested with MS SQL 2016 Standard edition.
  • PostgreSQL: tested with Postgres 9.6.9 and 10.4.
  • MySQL: tested with JDBC Driver mysql-connector-java-8.0.11.jar and mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar, MySQL 5.7.2.
Repositories connectivity...
  • Github: doesn't support IPv6.
  • SVN: tested with: SVNKit 1.8.15, SVN server - SVN 1.9.7,  SVN server required the svnserve daemon to be run with -6 option (--prefer-ipv6).
  • Mercurial: tested SSH and HTTPS with Hg 4.2.3.
  • Git: tested SSH/HTTPS/GIT protocols with git version 2.14.4.
  • Bitbucket Data Center:  RSS won't work in pure IPv6 setup.
  • Bitbucket Cloud: Required setting system property -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true, webhooks don't work over pure IPv6 setup.
Integrations with other products...
  • Bitbucket Data Center: supported since version 5.8 (however, Bamboo supports version 7.5 or later)
  • FeCru: tested with version 4.5.4
  • Jira: tested with Jira Software 7.11.0
  • Confluence: tested with Confluence 6.10.1
  • Crowd: tested with Crowd 3.2.3

Bamboo doesn't expose port for IPv6 out of the box. To enable this, in the server.xml file, change:

<Connector/>'s  attribute protocol="HTTP/1.1" 

最終更新日 2024 年 7 月 1 日


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