Important migration tasks - quick view


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Discover what are the most important tasks to be done during your Jira and Confluence migration journey.


When migrating Jira or Confluence (Server, Data Center, Cloud) to the Atlassian Cloud, there are a number of migration tasks that may need to be completed to avoid unwanted scenarios and issues in the cloud site. 

Whether the task has to be done depends on the phase. The test phase refers to the testing done before the production migration when issues can more easily be caught and resolved. The post-migration phase refers to after the production migration is completed. It's often more difficult to resolve issues during this phase, so we always recommend testing your migration thoroughly before the final production migration. 

The scenarios are divided into post-migration and test phases. They're also labeled as being applicable to Jira or Confluence.

Sections on this page: 

Post-migration phase

Applicable for Jira

Applicable for Confluence



Fix / Reference

Jira Issue and/or Confluence page URL links are still pointing to the source site

Links are often still pointing to the source site in the destination cloud site. This results in links that no longer work once the source site is decommissioned. 

Links broken after Server to Cloud or Cloud to Cloud migration

Jira macros are not rendering correctly in Confluence pages

Jira macros are not always resolved to the correct target and can result in errors like: Error rendering macro 'jira'. Jira macro repair doesn't always resolve all scenarios. 

Jira マクロの修復を利用する

If this doesn't resolve the issue, contact Atlassian Support.

Attachment preview is unavailable when viewing a Jira Issue

There's a bug affecting the viewing of attachment previews after a migration. 

Relevant bug: 

JRACLOUD-81066 - After migration using JCMA attachment previews don't work, work on refresh

Projects and their Jira Issues are not viewable to all users

After a migration users can't see all of the project data due to permissions. 


Boards are not viewable to admins or all expected users

Typically administrators in the server are able to view more project data than they are in the cloud. This is because permissions in the cloud may require share permissions for boards and filters to be explicitly granted to the respective users, roles, or groups.

How do Jira permissions work?

Relevant feature requests: 

JRACLOUD-60899 - As a Jira administrator I cannot change the sharePermissions & editPermissions for private filters & private dashboards via REST API FUTURE CONSIDERATION

JRACLOUD-60109 - Allow JIRA Administrators to edit shared filters/dashboards owned by others FUTURE CONSIDERATION

"Migrated on…" text is appearing with migrated objects such as permission scheme and custom field descriptions

Certain data objects such as custom fields and permission schemes will have their description amended to include the data that they were migrated on.

Give users the option to remove the migrated text from fields when using JCMA

Customers can remove this data manually.

If you need the text updated in bulk, please contact the Support team.

Workflow positioning in the diagram view is changed from the layout in the source site

There is a known behavior with the migration where the visual positioning of the workflow statuses in the diagram view will change in the cloud post-migration. 

There are no known workarounds or fixes other than to fix this manually.

Relevant bug: 

MIG-217 - Improve workflow UI positioning when migrating from Jira Server to Cloud GATHERING INTEREST

Not all space content is viewable to users

Permissions don't always migrate as expected and affect space viewability. 


Pages are not displaying correctly due to being migrated with the old editor

Sometimes pages are migrated using the old editor and have to be changed to use the new editor.

How to change to the new editor in the cloud site: Convert pages to the new editor

Test phase

Applicable for Jira

Applicable for Confluence



Fix / Reference

Users need to change their content or access to use a different email address

Sometimes user emails are updated but their data is still tied to the old email. When this happens, the product data has to be mapped from the old user to the new user. Then the user can use the new email to log in and will see their data. 

This can be resolved before the migration using the following guides to transfer the content of the users:

If this is needed post-migration, contact Atlassian Support. 

Users don't see all expected boards and filters in the destination cloud site

There are a lot of dependencies that can affect whether all boards and filters are migrated to the destination cloud site. 

Make sure that these sanity checks are adhered to while migrating boards and filters

  1. ボードは有効なフィルターに関連付けられている必要があります

  2. ボードの列は有効なステータスに関連付けられている必要があります

  3. Invalid JQL in the Quick Filter must be fixed

  4. メール アドレスなどの個人データが、いずれのフィルターからも削除されている必要があります

  5. 共有権限の設定が有効なグループを参照している必要があります

  6. Boards/filters owned/created by inactive/deleted users must be assigned to valid owners.

Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) ですべてのボードとフィルターを移行する方法

Not all dashboards are seen in the destination cloud site

There are certain conditions that can affect whether a dashboard is migrated to the cloud. 

Go through the known issues and limitations to verify if the dashboard is not meeting one of the mentioned conditions.

Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA) ですべてのダッシュボードを移行する方法

Duplicate custom fields are showing in the custom fields menu and are appended with (migrated)

Custom fields can be duplicated due to how duplicate entities are handled by the migration. 

More information and approaches to mitigate this: 

Jira Cloud Migration Assistant での重複とエンティティの追跡

Relevant bug: 

MIG-1019 - Duplicate entities when consolidating multiple Jira Servers in one cloud instance GATHERING INTEREST

Permission schemes are duplicated and appended with (migrated) 

Permission schemes can be duplicated due to the "Users and roles" configuration. 

Relevant bug containing workarounds: 

MIG-958 - JCMA is creating duplicate permission schemes UNDER CONSIDERATION

Macros are not rendering correctly on Confluence pages

All macros being used (both native and third-party) need to be tested to understand their compatibility in the cloud. 

Descriptions of the different macros and their compatibility in the cloud: 

Confluence Server/Data Center と Cloud とで異なるマクロおよび機能

Last modified on Mar 26, 2024


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