Useful log files in Jira Data Center
プラットフォームについて: Data Center - この記事は、Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品に適用されます。
このナレッジベース記事は製品の Data Center バージョン用に作成されています。Data Center 固有ではない機能の Data Center ナレッジベースは、製品のサーバー バージョンでも動作する可能性はありますが、テストは行われていません。サーバー*製品のサポートは 2024 年 2 月 15 日に終了しました。サーバー製品を利用している場合は、アトラシアンのサーバー製品のサポート終了のお知らせページにて移行オプションをご確認ください。
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
As an administrator of Jira Data Center, it can be helpful to see a list of log files Jira creates and their locations, particularly for ingress into a log monitoring solution such as Splunk.
次の表は、Jira が作成するログ ファイルと、それらのデフォルトの場所およびファイル名の一覧です。
デフォルトでは、ログは 2 つの場所に書かれます。Jira インストール ディレクトリの "logs" ディレクトリと、Jira ホーム ディレクトリの "log" ディレクトリです。
場所 | ログのファイル名 | ログの目的 | 説明 |
JIRA_INSTALL/ | access_log.YYYY-mm-dd | HTTP access log (Tomcat) | A list of each request that Jira node completed processing. Logged by the Tomcat application server |
atlassian-jira-gc-YYYY | ガベージ コレクションのログ | Written by the JVM to describe how Java heap memory management takes place, and what memory is in use. Critical when diagnosing out of memory errors or memory contention problems | |
catalina.out | Tomcat アプリケーション サーバーの標準出力 | The stdout of the Tomcat application server process. This file isn't managed by Jira's logging solution log4j, so the format of entries here varies. OutOfMemoryError is logged here. | |
JIRA_HOME/ | atlassian-jira.log* | Jira のプライマリのログ ファイル | Generic log location, including logs that aren’t specifically directed elsewhere |
atlassian-greenhopper.log | Jira Software のアジャイル ボードのログ | Jira Software プラグインによって書き込まれたログ | |
atlassian-servicedesk.log* | Jira Service Management のログ | Jira Service Management プラグインによって書き込まれたログ | |
atlassian-jira-security.log* | セキュリティ ログ | Records login success/failure transactions, session creation and destruction, along with certain authentication related debug logging if enabled | |
atlassian-jira-apdex.log* | Apdex のログ | Apdex のパフォーマンス統計 | |
atlassian-jira-http-access.log* | HTTP アクセスのログ (Jira) | A HTTP access log implemented by Jira itself when HTTP access log debug is enabled. Tomcat's access log is typically recommended over this log, since it is always enabled, has lower performance overhead, and provides almost all information that this access log provides. Due to the risk to performance, we don't recommend enabling Jira's access log in enterprise scale production instances except in certain edge cases | |
atlassian-jira-http-dump.log* | HTTP ダンプのログ (Jira) | An extremely verbose HTTP dump log, written by Jira. Only written if HTTP dump logging is enabled. Due to the risk to performance, we don't recommend enabling Jira's access log in enterprise scale production instances. | |
atlassian-jira-incoming-mail.log* | 受信メール | Incoming mail debug log. Only written to if Incoming Mail Debug is enabled | |
atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log* | 送信メール | Outgoing mail debug log. Only written to if Outgoing Mail Debug is enabled | |
atlassian-jira-perf.log* | パフォーマンス統計 | A variety of useful performance metrics about the application and underlying system, for example, database latency, tomcat thread pool utilisation, system/process CPU consumption, and DBCP (database connection) pool utilisation | |
atlassian-jira-querydsl-sql.log* | QueryDSL のデバッグ ログ | 一部の Jira 機能/プラグインが使う SQL 抽象化レイヤーである QueryDSL のデバッグ ログ | |
atlassian-jira-slow-queries.log* | 低速な JQL のログ | Records JQL query and their source for executions over the threshold of 400ms | |
atlassian-jira-slow-querydsl-queries.log* | 低速な QueryDSL のログ | A record of slowly performing QueryDSL SQL queries | |
atlassian-jira-sql.log* | SQL のデバッグ ログ | A list of SQL queries sent by the application's ofbiz library when SQL debug logging is enabled | |
atlassian-jira-app-monitoring.log* | App performance stats | Instrumentation of first and third party app performance such as the count and time spent on database operations, issue/comment indexing, and cache removals | |
atlassian-jira-ipd-monitoring.log* | In-product-diagnostics | Additional performance metrics generated by the "In product diagnostics" plugin | |
jira-diagnostics.log | 診断アラート | A variety of useful performance statistics, usually logged when a certain theshold is reached. For instance, slowly performing HTTP requests, high scheduler thread pool utilisation, and so on | |
| atlassian-jira-stats.log* | Jira Stats | Metrics used to troubleshoot performance problems |
JIRA_HOME/ log/audit | YYYYmmdd.00000.audit.log | 監査ログ | Filesystem historical logging of audit data |
JIRA_HOME/ log/jfr | atst_in_product_diagnostic_ YYYY_MM_DD_HH_mm_ss.jfr | Java Flight Recorder | A low level capture of performance statistics from the JVM - rolling N minutes for N bytes |
atst_in_product_diagnostic_ dump_on_exit_YYYY_ MM_DD_HH_mm_ss.jfr | Java Flight Recorder | A low level capture of performance statistics from the JVM (auto-generated on exit) | |
JIRA_INSTALL/.install4j | installation.log | Jira installer logs | Records all the steps performed by the Jira Installer binary. Not applicable when Jira is installed manually via tgz file or container |
The log files with a star "*" in the end indicate that the logs roll over. For example, the latest file is atlassian-jira.log
, then atlassian-jira.log.1
, then atlassian-jira.log.2
and so on.
Most logging is managed by Log4j via the log4j2.xml
file within the Jira application installation directory