Restricting Knowledge Base articles to a group of customers


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When you link a Confluence space to a Jira Service Management knowledge base, Jira's settings are to either make its articles visible to All logged-in users or Only Confluence users. There is no option that allows restricting knowledge base articles to a specific set of customers.

This article offers a workaround solution using Confluence to restrict access to KB articles in JSM. It will only work seamlessly if your help center is accessed exclusively by users from specific known domains.

We have an open feature request to allow restricting KB articles natively in JSM, based on customer organizations:

JSDCLOUD-8006 - Getting issue details... STATUS


These steps can only be followed if you have org admin privileges.

The only way to manipulate JSM access to KB articles is by restricting the article access to specific users/groups in Confluence, and the restriction only applies to Atlassian accounts. If you leave KB access set to All logged-in users, portal-only customer accounts will always have access to the article via portal, even if article access is restricted in Confluence.

This workaround only works if all customers on the site have Atlassian accounts.

This also means that sign-up to the Help Center must be restricted to users with approved domains or verified email addresses from a non-public domain. This limitation will also apply to customers invited by agents. Only site/org admins will be able to invite users outside this scope.

Ensuring all customers have Atlassian accounts

  1. For existing customers, you will need to migrate your portal-only customers to Atlassian account.
    1. Under Products, access your site administration area (https://<sitename>
    2. On the left sidebar, click Jira Service Management or Portal customers.
    3. Find the user and click ••• > Migrate to Atlassian account.
  2. For new customers, change access settings for your customers to ensure only Atlassian accounts will be created and no product licenses will be granted
    1. In Jira, go to Settings > Products > Customer access.
    2. Enable the use of approved domains to grant customers access to the help center with Atlassian accounts.
    3. Disable portal-only accounts to be created for new customers accessing the help center.

    4. In the site user management area (https://<sitename> go to Products > Site access settings.
    5. Add your domains and assign product access accordingly. For known domains from external customers, add it to the list granting only Customer access in JSM.
    6. "Any domains" means all domains that fall outside the approved domains and also don't use public domains (,, etc). Users from a managed domain in Atlassian may sign up if granted customer access.

  3. You may want to create a group (or more) to nest customers to facilitate restricting access in Confluence.

Restricting article access in Confluence

  1. Access the article through Confluence.
  2. Click the lock icon.
  3. Set Only specific people can view or edit.
  4. Add specific users or groups, granting view permission.
  5. Apply.


When the user does have access to the article in Confluence.

When the user does not have access to the article in Confluence.

The same results apply to looking up articles on the search bar.

最終更新日 2023 年 4 月 20 日


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