Reindexing fails with Unable to index custom date field error in Jira server
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Searches may be failing.
2012-06-25 23:30:58,073 IssueIndexer:thread-6 WARN admin 1406x194x2 1hi7f6, /secure/admin/IndexReIndex.jspa [index.indexers.impl.NumberCustomFieldIndexer] Unable to index custom date field 'Date of First Response(customfield_10267) with value: -61811600400000
2012-06-25 23:32:01,386 IssueIndexer:thread-9 WARN admin 1406x194x2 1hi7f6, /secure/admin/IndexReIndex.jspa [index.indexers.impl.NumberCustomFieldIndexer] Unable to index custom date field 'Date of First Response(customfield_10267) with value: -61811600400000
2012-06-25 23:32:28,181 IssueIndexer:thread-4 INFO admin 1406x194x2 1hi7f6, /secure/admin/IndexReIndex.jspa [action.admin.index.IndexAdminImpl] Re-indexing is 2% complete. Current index: Issue
2012-06-25 23:33:14,049 IssueIndexer:thread-3 WARN admin 1406x194x2 1hi7f6, /secure/admin/IndexReIndex.jspa [index.indexers.impl.NumberCustomFieldIndexer] Unable to index custom date field 'Date of First Response(customfield_10267) with value: -61811600400000
Invalid Date / Time in one of the JIRA tables. This is generally caused by having a date value which is prior to midnight January 1, 1970. This specific date is a limitation of JAVA's date implementation which is based on the unix epoch. In the above error, the JIRA Charting plugin is trying to retrieve a date from 'customfieldvalue' table and its getting an invalid date or time.
To find the invalid date you must run the SQL query below in your database :
select * from customfieldvalue where customfield = <CUSTOM_FIELD_ID> and datevalue < '1970-01-01';
select issueid, created from jiraaction where actiontype='comment' and created < '1970-01-01';
The <CUSTOM_FIELD_ID> in the above query can be found in the error code as part of the string: "customfield_10267"
It is important to understand that you need to identify the correct place to look for the field before running any queries. Different plugins / fields will be located in different places. The two most common places are the customfieldvalue table and the jiraactions table.
The workaround is to re-index the instance. This should resolve the error of the failing indexing, but the error will still show up in logs for the invalid date / time.
オプション 1
Identify the affected JIRA issues using the following SQL query:
For JIRA 6.1 and later:
SELECT CONCAT(p.pkey, '-', i.issuenum) AS issuekey, i.summary, cf.cfname, cv.datevalue FROM customfield cf, customfieldvalue cv, jiraissue i, project p WHERE AND AND AND datevalue < '1970-01-01' ORDER BY p.pkey ASC, i.issuenum ASC;
SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(p.pkey, '-'), ji.issuenum) AS issuekey, ja.created FROM jiraaction ja INNER JOIN jiraissue ji ON ja.issueid = INNER JOIN project p ON ji.project = WHERE ja.actiontype='comment' AND ja.created < TO_DATE('1970-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') ORDER BY issuekey ASC;
For versions before JIRA 6.1:SELECT i.pkey AS issuekey, i.summary, cf.cfname, cv.datevalue FROM customfield cf, customfieldvalue cv, jiraissue i WHERE AND AND datevalue < '1970-01-01' ORDER BY i.pkey ASC;
Edit the JIRA issues to modify the custom field's value to a date later than 1970-01-01. JIRA issues are automatically reindexed when they are saved and hence this does not require any downtime.
- If the second query (jiraaction) are returning output, edit the comment date later than 1970-01-01.
オプション 2
This resolution involves the manual re-index process, which will cause downtime in your JIRA instance until the full index is rebuilt. Please plan accordingly for this.
- Take XML backup of your data.
- Jira をシャットダウンします。
- If you found the wrong date from the database result above, you will have to copy the value from your database.
- Open you XML backup using any editor.
- Search for wrong date value and replace it with correct format. for example : if you find '0001-01-01' is wrong format and it should be '2001-01-01'
- Delete the directory $JIRA_HOME/caches/indexes.
Import your new modified XML into JIRA.
- Reindex JIRA through the Administration section again
You can re-index to get your JIRA back and running, but to permanently fix the error you will have to do the suggested workaround.