JIRA Filters return empty set for anonymous users

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This KB was written for older versions of JIRA hence the resolution may not work for newer versions.

Although this KB does not appear to be functional in current JIRA versions, there is an existing feature request to disable public access to the JIRA site in JRASERVER-65521 - Add possibility to disable public access to JIRA.

From that page:

In JIRA 7.2.10 the possibility to disable public access for anonymous users was added, however it is still in labs state.

In order to disable public access for anonymous users, administrator needs to add a darkfeature public.access.disabled.
Here are the steps required for adding a dark feature in Jira:

  • Login as an administrator and go to [BASE-URL]/secure/SiteDarkFeatures!default.jspa
  • In the Enable Dark Feature text field add public.access.disabled


When a user who is not currently logged in into JIRA opens a link of a saved JIRA Filter (which they have received by email for example), the resulting page will simply state "No matching issues found".  Instead of displaying this page, some users might expect the result would be for JIRA to automatically redirect anonymous users to a Login page.  However this does not happen.


The IssueNavigator URL is not protected by the seraph library login redirect facility, so the query will run with anonymous privileges.


Tune JIRA to force user login if requesting a filter URL while unauthenticated.

  1. Make a backup of your JIRA Application files or use a separate test instance. 
  2. Edit <JIRA-INSTALL>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/actions.xml, locate the action named issue.IssueNavigator and add the property roles-required="user". The element should be like so:
    <action name="issue.IssueNavigator" alias="IssueNavigator" roles-required="user">
       <view name="success">/secure/views/navigator/navigator.jsp</view>
       <view name="error">/secure/views/navigator/navigator.jsp</view>
  3. Test your instance for unwanted impact or side effects

最終更新日: 2025 年 1 月 22 日


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