How to increase the width of the watchers selection box in Jira


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The width of the suggested watcher list may sometimes not be enough to differentiate users when they're listed on multiple directories or have long and similar names.
This how to article provide an unsupported addition to the announcement banner to tweak the width of the auto-suggestion watcher picker light box that appears once you start typing.

JRASERVER-71262 - 課題詳細を取得中... ステータス


Validated in Jira 7.


Add the following code snippets to the announcement banner in Jira.

The default width for that field is 218px, so you may test values that work best for you:

<style type="text/css">
#watchers-multi-select {
    width: 260px !important;

Or this one, that would move the watcher selection box to the left. Note the second value should be slightly bigger than the firsts just for symmetry's sake. Again, test to reach a value that works best for you:

<style type="text/css">
#watchers-multi-select {
    width: 280px !important;
#inline-dialog-watchers {
    width: 300px !important;

The code above is unlikely to have side-effects in Jira, yet should you notice anything wrong on the user interface (UI), like scrambled layout or content not being rendered, we advice wiping out the announcement banner and testing again.

最終更新日 2020 年 7 月 6 日


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