How to display the parent issue key above the Epic in the Story-level issues


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How to display the parent issue key above the Epic in the Story-level issues. The current Jira limitation only displays up to the Epic level.

For example, the user is not able to see the parent of the EPIC HGG-27


There is an issue level, Initiative, configured above the Epic in the issue hierarchy: Initiative > Epic > Story > SubtasksDiagnosis


  1. Please create a new custom field- InitiativeDisplay( This field will contain the issuekey of the Initiative)
  2. Make sure the check box on the project screen that you want this field to be displayed
  3. For example on the following screenshot of Task HGG-6 >Epic(HGG-3) > Initiatives (HGG-14).
  4. In the normal view of the Task, the parent field available only shows the Epic of HGG-3 

 Setting up the Automation rules

  1.  The extra field -InitiiativeDisplay will update the Epic's parent value into the Task ticket view which can be achieved by using the Automation rules as setup in the following configuration
  2. This rule will update the children of the Epic(tasks, story), when the parent of the Epic(Initiatives) is updated.
  3.  You would need to get the ID of your custom field by going to the Customer field >Edit details(placing a mouse on this )

  4. You can find the custom field id at the bottom of the left screen.
  5. Please this value in the automation code under the Additional fields tab.

    "fields": {

To add the new field to your Card Layout

  1. Go to the Project's Backlog or Active Sprints and Click on the ... to Configure Board
  2. Go to Card Layout and Add the Custom Field "InitiativeDisplay" 

     3. Once it is added, you will be able to see the Initiative info on the card

最終更新日: 2025 年 2 月 24 日


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