Changes to index management on the Jira startup in version 9.1
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Before Jira 9.1
During start-up a Jira node needs to obtain the index.
If local index exists, Jira checks how far behind the DB it is:
- If it is less than 10%, Jira starts and assumes the node replication thread will catch up asynchronously. This could cause some issues:
- users are allowed to access node (
endpoint returnsRUNNING
) even when the index is not up to date; - the re-indexing triggered by the node replication thread is slow (single thread re-indexing with conditional updates), so in case of large instances the <10% index catch up could still take a long time;
- users are allowed to access node (
- If this is more than 10%, Jira requests any other node in the cluster to create an index. The start process continues and the node asynchronously waits for the index to be created. This could cause a number of issues described in JRASERVER-72125 - Index replication service is paused indefinitely after failing to obtain an index snapshot from another node and / or JRASERVER-66635 - Index Recovery is very slow.
Some examples:- there is only one active node in the cluster, so there is no other node to deliver the index
- there is more than one node starting concurrently and starting nodes exchange empty or incorrect indexes
- node preparing the index failed to:
- create the index snapshot
- send the index snapshot to shared-home
- inform the waiting node that the snapshot was created
Before Jira 9.1 it was admin's responsibility to ensure that only one node starts at a time and that all nodes in the cluster are healthy, so that each of them can provide a healthy index snapshot.
New in Jira 9.1
Starting from Jira 9.1 the synchronous node start-up is enforced by the application.
Index start-up procedure ensures the local index is healthy before Jira can continue start-up. Jira will not start without healthy index.
The start-up procedure is performed under a cluster lock, which guarantees that only one node at a time executes it.
The index start-up procedure:
Re-index missing data if a local issue index is less than 10% behind the database. Since 9.3 the % is configurable.
- Load a recent index snapshot from shared-home directory if one is available. Since 9.3, the delta reindex in the snapshot recovery process is multi-threaded.
Otherwise trigger a full re-index.
- Make sure there is a fresh index snapshot on shared home (for other starting nodes)
Learn more about troubleshooting: Failed getting index on start