Gadgets moved to a Marketplace app from Confluence 9.2 onwards
ガジェットのサポートは Confluence 7.0 で終了し、技術的負債低減のため Confluence 9.0 で削除を完了しました。
In Confluence 9.0, pages that were using gadgets show a grey ‘Unknown macro’ placeholder where gadgets were embedded:
スクリーンショット: 不明なマクロのプレースホルダー
In Confluence 9.1 and later versions, if you don’t install the app, the pages show a yellow warning message:
Screenshot: Gadget Macro was removed warning message
Embedding gadgets available through a Marketplace app
We’ve released the External gadgets for Confluence Data Center Marketplace app to re-enable integration between Jira and Confluence.
We’ve made the beta version of the app available for testing and feedback. The app is still under development and its functionality may be limited.
If you try the new app, share your comments in the ticket linked above.
The following Jira gadgets are currently not supported. Support will be available in the near future.
Agile Wallboard
Sprint burndown chart
Support for using Confluence gadgets in Confluence has ended and won’t be introduced in the app. Use macros to replace the selected Confluence gadgets' functionality.
When your administrator installs the External gadgets for Confluence app, you can add Jira macros to your Confluence pages from the macro browser in Confluence 9.2 and later versions.
With the External gadgets for Confluence app installed, when there’s an issue with displaying a gadget, the following message is displayed on the affected Confluence pages:
Screenshot: Error rendering macro gadget message
To learn more about the app, go to External gadgets for Confluence Data Center documentation.
Confluence ガジェットの代替
Support for Confluence gadgets has ended. You can replace selected Confluence gadgets with the following macros:
ガジェット | マクロ |
Confluence マクロは同一サイト内にコンテンツを表示します。マクロはサイトをまたいでコンテンツを表示しません。
Jira ガジェットの代替
If you don't want to use Jira gadgets, you can try the following macros instead:
ガジェット | マクロ |
課題の統計 | |
進行中の課題 | |
投票した課題 | |
フィルター結果 | |
ウォッチ中の課題 | |
自分の担当課題 | |
フィルター結果 | |
Pie チャート | |
作成済み vs 解決済みグラフ | |
2 次元フィルター統計 | |
作成済み vs 解決済み |