JIRA Service Desk 1.2 Documentation
JIRA Service Desk pre-configures a Customer Portal for each service desk you set up. The Customer Portal is where you design the request forms your customers will fill out. As the service desk manager, you can map the JIRA features that are used to manage each request to the user friendly language your customers will see.
Tip: You can click the Preview the Customer Portal link at any time to see how your changes will appear for customers.
The first step in setting up a Customer Portal is configuring the request types the service desk will support. Each request type in a service desk is based on a JIRA issue type. (See How JIRA and JIRA Service Desk Work Together for more information on how JIRA Service Desk works with JIRA.)
注記:1つの JIRA 課題タイプがさまざまなリクエストタイプの基本となる場合があることにご注意ください。(たとえば、「購入」という課題タイプは、「新規ハードウェアのリクエスト」と「新規ソフトウェアのリクエスト」の両方の基本になります。)