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Invalid URL: "JIRAKB:(Archived) How to remove or disable a Service Desk". Please provide a valid URL to redirect to.


Sometimes you may decide you want to disable Service Desk for a project, or remove it and its project entirely, from your JIRA instance. The steps below show how this can be done.


To disable a service desk for a project

  • Go to the administration of the project for which the service desk is associated
  • Go to Service Desk in the left hand menu
  • Click Disable to disable the service desk

Please note that you need to be part of the service-desk-agents group to see the Service Desk option under Project Administration. Please see doc JIRA Service Desk permissions for more information.

To remove a service desk and its project

  • Delete the project associated with the service desk

    Make sure to back up in case you need the project back again after deleting it.

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  1. Removing a JIRA project removes not all Service Desk entries from the Database:  JSD-359 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  2. Removing the Service Desk application leaves the Service Desk Customers and Service Desk Team groups available in other projects, but these groups aren't in the group admin screen. DO I need to re-index, or is this a bug?