If you are a team member working with Jira Software, you are in the right place! These pages will be useful to you, if you are a developer, designer, QA person, technical writer, or anyone else that uses (but does not configure) Jira Software. The topics in this chapter will help you use Jira Software to manage your work.
求めている情報ではありませんか? 代わりに以下の章を参照してください。
- If you are responsible for running an agile project with Jira Software, see Leading an agile project.
- If you are an administrator installing or configuring the Jira Software server, see Administering Jira Software.
- If this is the first time you're using Jira Software, read our Getting started as a Jira Software user before you start reading other topics.
- すでに Jira Software に精通している場合は、下の検索ボックスを使って、必要なトピックを検索してください。
「 アジャイル プロジェクトで開発する」に関するトピックを検索:
この章の各トピックでは、Jira Software を使い始めるときに実行する必要があるアクティビティを網羅しています。
Note, you will be working with boards in an agile project, and it may be worthy to know how to use the project sidebar in Jira Software. See Using the project sidebar for more information.