What is a Portfolio plan
For Portfolio for Jira to capture the latest and greatest data from Jira, you'll need to organize your work in Jira, into what we call issue sources in Portfolio. Portfolio first captures your Jira issues, and uses the corresponding issue details to create the ideal schedule for your teams. The issues can be scheduled across sprints, months, even years.
These are the issue sources in Portfolio, into which you'll have to organize your work in Jira:
ボード | 1 つのボードに 1 つ以上のプロジェクトの課題が表示され、作業中の課題を柔軟に表示、管理、報告することができます。Jira Software には 2 種類のボードがあります。
プロジェクト | A project in Jira is a collection of issues that is defined according to your organization's requirements. For example, it could be a software development project, a marketing campaign, or a website enhancement request system. |
フィルター | Your board's filter is a Jira issue filter (a JQL query) that specifies which issues are included on your board. For example, your board may include issues from multiple projects, or from only one project, or from a particular component of a project. Only the administrator of a board or a user with the Portfolio for Jira administrator global permission can configure a board's filter. |
Out of the three (3) issue sources, we recommend that you use boards — when boards are chosen, and it's a Scrum board in particular, Portfolio for Jira can then use the velocity of past sprints to determine team velocity. See Creating and deleting plans for more details.
What is a Portfolio plan?
A Portfolio plan is essentially a roadmap of all the work that you manage in Jira. Work can be anything you're involved in — it can be the issues your teams are working on, the releases your teams have committed to delivering, and more.
Portfolio pulls in these work items from Jira, and then uses an automatic scheduling mechanism to create a realistic schedule for your teams. This resulting schedule is based on relevant issue details that are logged in both Portfolio and Jira.
Over time, you may gain relevant knowledge on the work that your teams are doing. You'd typically know more than what the scheduling mechanism can determine — and more often than not, you'd know that a certain issue should be scheduled at a certain time, even if Portfolio schedules the issue differently.
Unfortunately, in the current Portfolio plans, it's not that easy going against the automatic scheduling mechanism. You can't simply drag and drop an issue to its ideal schedule — and this is one of the things we're changing in the new planning experience that's coming. To see what's specifically changing, see Overview.
This is how a Portfolio plan looks like, in the new experience:
1 | プランの名前、またはプランが使用している課題ソースなど、プラン設定を構成します。設定アイコンからプランを削除することもできます。 |
2 | プランの別のビューに移動します。
See Working with Portfolio plans to know more about these views in your plan. |
3 | プラン内の作業を絞り込むと必要な作業だけが表示されます。プロジェクト、リリース、チーム、その他のフィルター別に作業をフィルターできます。 You can also choose to view only the issues that are scheduled for a certain timeframe in your plan:
See Filtering issues for more details. |
4 | 課題を表示し、操作できるプランのロードマップ ビューのさまざまなセクション
See Working with Portfolio plans for more details. |
5 | 閲覧者がユーザーのプランを見やすくなるように、タイムラインのビューをカスタマイズします。次の表示設定を利用できます。
詳細は、「表示設定のカスタマイズ」を参照してください。 |
6 | プランのアクションを実行します。
As a best practice, make a habit of regularly reviewing and saving your changes in Jira. This way, you can inform stakeholders, keep the work items in Jira up to date, and ensure that your teams are ready to execute on your plan — all in real time. |