Using Portfolio early access features
Portfolio for Jira provides customers early access to the exciting new features that are still being worked on within the product. This gives you a sneak peek to the new functionality that's coming in the future releases of Portfolio for Jira.
Note that these early access features are work-in-progress. These features may be incomplete, or may change before being incorporated into Portfolio for Jira. In some cases, some features may never be incorporated into Portfolio for Jira.
プランの [フィードバックを寄せる] ボタンをクリックすると、これらのアーリー アクセス機能に関するフィードバックを送信できます。
アーリー アクセス機能の有効化
- Log in as a user with the 'Jira Administrators' permission.
- (ヘッダーにある) [ポートフォリオ] > [管理] > [Portfolio early access features (ポートフォリオ アーリー アクセス機能)] に移動します。
New planning experience
In the new planning experience, we've improved the following functionality:
- Planning and viewing work: You now have a timeline right next to the issues in your plan. Beside each issue in your plan, line by line, is a corresponding schedule block, which displays when an issue starts and ends in your roadmap. To schedule work, you can manually set target dates, or manually drag and drop the issue blocks in your timeline accordingly.
- Optimizing your plan: Aside from setting target dates and manually scheduling issues, you can also choose to optimize the work in your plan. By optimizing, Portfolio will use all existing scheduling factors to prepare an optimized schedule for you. You can then choose to accept or discard the proposed changes as needed.
Here is a sample plan in the new experience:
Enable this feature to set the system timezone as the default setting across all plans in Portfolio for Jira.