Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

The GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget displays a Cumulative Flow Diagram on your JIRA dashboard.

A Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) is an area chart that shows the various statuses of work items for a product, version, or sprint. The horizontal x-axis in a CFD indicates time, and the vertical y-axis indicates cards (issues). Each coloured area of the chart equates to a workflow status (i.e. a column on your board).

CFD は、ボトルネックを特定するのに役立ちます。時間の経過とともに縦に拡大している領域が図に含まれている場合、拡大している領域に相当する列は、一般的にボトルネックとなります。

(tick) This gadget is Wallboard-capable

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed; read more).


Screenshot: The GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget



Adding the GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart gadget to your JIRA dashboard

To add the GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget to your JIRA dashboard,

  1. Jira にログインするか、すでにログインしている場合は、ダッシュボードに移動します。
  2. 右上にあるガジェット追加リンクをクリックします。ガジェット ディレクトリ 画面が表示されます。
  3. Find the GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget in the list of gadgets and click Add it now.
  4. 右下の完了ボタンをクリックします。
  5. The GreenHopper Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget gadget will display on your dashboard. Enter the following setup details for your gadget:
    • Project — the JIRA project for which you want to display a CFD.
    • Version — the project version for which you want to display a CFD.
      (info) Select Next Release Due (auto) to display the unreleased version with the latest release date.
    • Context — select the context  (e.g. 'Default', 'On the fly', or other contexts you have created) by which to filter issues when generating the CFD.
    • Display Options — choose whether to display the Project Name and/or the Version Name in the CFD.
    • 更新間隔 - ガジェットのデータを更新する間隔を選択します。
  6. Click the Save button. The GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget will display on your dashboard.

(tick) Tip: You can add the GreenHopper Classic Cumulative Flow Chart Gadget to your dashboard multiple times, if you wish to track multiple projects/versions.