Crucible と FisheEYe
This page gives an overview of the joint installation of Crucible and FishEye. Both Crucible and FishEye are Atlassian products.
- FishEye allows you to extract information from your source code repository and display it in sophisticated reports.
- Crucible allows you to request, perform and manage code reviews.
- Both of these products can run in isolation. If you are using Subversion, Git, Mercurial, CVS or Perforce you can significantly enhance your Crucible experience by also using FishEye.
Your Crucible installation package includes the files required for FishEye
If you use FishEye and Crucible together, they run as one instance.
You'll need the same number of (or more) users in FishEye as Crucible.
Purchasing and installing Crucible and FishEye
- Upgrading an existing Crucible installation to also use FishEye only requires a simple license change in the admin area.
- Upgrading an existing FishEye installation to also use Crucible only requires a simple license change in the admin area.
- See Upgrading from FishEye to Crucible.
The <Crucible home directory> and FISHEYE_INST
Throughout the Crucible documentation, references are made to the <Crucible home directory>
, which refers to the location of the Crucible application. Be aware that, when Crucible is run with FishEye, this location is equivalent to the location referred to by <FishEye home directory>
in the FishEye documentation.
Crucible also makes use of this FishEye environment variable:
– the location of the FishEye data.
Refer to the FishEye documentation for more about the environment variables.
Installing the Crucible binary files
See the following for Crucible install instructions:
Setting up a repository for use with stand-alone Crucible
For complete instructions, see Configuring repositories.
Setting up a repository for use with FishEye and Crucible
If you intend to use Crucible and FishEye with:
- Subversion, please read Supported platforms, Subversion client setup, and granting permission to FishEye to scan your repository.
- Git, please read Supported platforms and Git Client setup.
- Perforce, please read Supported platforms and Perforce Client setup.
- CVS, please read Supported platforms and CVS Client setup.
- Mercurial, please read Supported platforms and Mercurial Client setup.
You can find more information in:
- Crucible Getting Started
- FishEye Getting started