This page describes the supported platforms and hardware requirements for Crowd 2.7.

Key: (tick) = Supported. (error) = Not Supported
Java バージョン


Oracle JDK (1)

(tick) 1.8 (since Crowd 2.7.2).
(tick) 1.7.
(warning) 1.6 (deprecated),
(error) 1.5, 1.4

OpenJDK(tick) 1.7


Microsoft Windows (2)


Linux / Solaris (2)


Apple Mac OS X (2)

(tick) 10.7 with Oracle JDK



Apache Tomcat (3)

(tick) 7.0.x (Crowd ships with Apache Tomcat 7.0.42)

(tick) 6.0.x



MySQL (4)

(tick) 5.0.37 以降


(tick) 11g (Tested on
(tick) 10g (Tested on


(tick) 9.2

 (tick) 8.x, 7.x

Microsoft SQL Server

(tick) 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2005


(tick) (For evaluation only.)



Chrome(tick) 最新の安定バージョンをサポート

Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows)

(tick) 8, 9, 10
(warning) 7 (deprecated)
(error) 6

Mozilla Firefox (すべてのプラットフォーム)

(tick) Latest stable version supported
(tick) 3.x
(error) 2.x


(tick) 最新の安定バージョンをサポート




1. JDK:

  • It is not enough to have the JRE only. Please ensure that you have the full JDK. You can download the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) from the Oracle website.
  • Once the JDK is installed, you will need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, pointing to the root directory of the JDK. Some JDK installers set this automatically (check by typing 'echo %JAVA_HOME%' in a DOS prompt, or 'echo $JAVA_HOME' in a shell). If it is not set, please see Setting JAVA_HOME.

2. Operating systems: Crowd is a pure Java application and should run on any platform provided the Java runtime platform requirements are satisfied.

3. Tomcat: Deploying multiple Atlassian applications in a single Tomcat container is not supported. We do not test this configuration and upgrading any of the applications (even for point releases) is likely to break it. There are also a number of known issues with this configuration. See this FAQ for more information.

弊社では、多くの実用的な理由から、複数のアトラシアンアプリケーションを単一の Tomcat コンテナーにデプロイするサポートは行っておりません。第一に、アプリケーションをアップグレードするには Tomcat をシャットダウンする必要があります。第二に、1つのアプリケーションがクラッシュすると、その Tomcat コンテナーで実行中のその他のアプリケーションにアクセスできなくなります。

したがって、Crowd を実行する Tomcat コンテナ内に他のアプリケーションをデプロイすることは推奨されません。このような他のアプリケーションが大容量のメモリを必要としたり、Tomcat の lib サブディレクトリ内に追加のライブラリを必要とする場合は特に推奨されません。

4. MySQL: Please ensure that you set transaction isolation to 'read-committed' instead of the default 'repeatable-read', as described in the database configuration guide.

5. HSQLDB: Crowd ships with a built-in HSQL database, which is fine for evaluation purposes but is somewhat susceptible to data loss during system crashes. For production environments we recommend that you configure Crowd to use an external database.

Vote for more supported application servers

If you are interested in support for other application servers, please make your requests via our issue tracker. In particular, you can vote for the following existing requests:

  • CWD-1192 — Provide support for versions of Resin newer than 3.0.26.
  • CWD-950 — Provide official support for Websphere.


The hardware required to run Crowd depends significantly on the number of applications and users that your installation will have, as well as the maximum number of concurrent requests that the system will experience during peak hours.

During evaluation Crowd will run well on any reasonably fast workstation computer (eg. 1.5+Ghz processor). Memory requirements depend on how many applications and users you will store, but 256MB is enough for most evaluation purposes.

Most users start by downloading Crowd, and running it on their local computer. It is easy to migrate Crowd to your enterprise infrastructure later.

We would appreciate if you let us know what hardware configuration works for you. Please create a support request in JIRA with your hardware specification and mention the number of applications and users in your Crowd installation.

While some of our customers run Crowd on SPARC-based hardware, Atlassian only officially supports Crowd running on x86 hardware and 64-bit derivatives of x86 hardware.
