If you are trying to set up Crowd as a Windows Service on a 64 bit machine, you should refer to the workaround in this document.



For long-term use, you should configure Crowd to restart automatically when the operating system restarts. For Windows servers, this means configuring Crowd to run as a Windows service.

Running Crowd as a Windows service has other advantages. When Crowd is started manually, a console window opens - there is a risk that someone may accidentally shut down Crowd by closing the window. Also, the Crowd logs are properly managed by the Windows service (reliably found in \atlassian-crowd.log in the root Crowd directory, and rotated by file size).

Installing Crowd as a Windows Service

  1. Open a DOS Command prompt as Administrator (search for "cmd" in the start menu/screen, right click and "Run as Administrator").
  2. 'cd' to your Crowd directory, and then the Tomcat bin subdirectory, e.g. {CROWD_INSTALL}\apache-tomcat\bin
  3. If a directory in the path has spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files\..), please convert it to its eight-character equivalent (e.g. c:\Progra~1\..).
  4. Ensure the JAVA_HOME variable is set to the JDK base directory. Use echo %JAVA_HOME% to confirm this.
  5. 次のコマンドを実行します。

    service.bat install Crowd

    Screenshot: Installing Crowd as a Windows Service

    Crowd should now have been installed as a service, and will be visible in the Windows Services console.
    Screenshot: Windows Services Console

  6. Run the following command, to have the Crowd service start automatically when the server starts:

    tomcat6 //US//Crowd --Startup auto

    The Crowd service will automatically start up the next time the server reboots.

    • You can manually start the Crowd service with the command net start Crowd, and stop it with net stop Crowd.
    • To see what parameters the Crowd service is starting with, go to Start -> Run and run regedt32.exe. There should be an entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Apache Software Foundation -> Procrun 2.0 -> Crowd.

Additional Crowd Setup Options (Optional)

  • To increase the maximum memory Crowd can use (the default will already be 256MB), run:

    tomcat6 //US//Crowd --JvmMx 512
  • If you are running Crowd with JIRA and/or Confluence in the same JVM, increase the MaxPermSize to 512 MB:

    tomcat6 //US//Crowd ++JvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
  • Occasionally, it may be useful to view Crowd's Garbage Collection information. This is especially true when investigating memory issues.
    • To turn on the Verbose GC (garbage collection) logging, execute the following command in the command prompt

      tomcat6 //US//Crowd ++JvmOptions="-Xloggc:path\to\logs\atlassian-gc.log"
    • The path (denoted by \path\to) refers to the directory in which Crowd is currently installed. For example:

      tomcat6 //US//Crowd ++JvmOptions="-Xloggc:c:\crowdinstall\logs\atlassian-gc.log"
  • In order to check all the configurations for the service, you can access:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Apache Software Foundation -> Procrun 2.0 -> Crowd -> Parameters -> Java -> Options
  • If you are using HSQL as your database server: after installing Crowd as a Windows service, you will need to copy your database files.
    1. Create a folder called c:\windows\system32\database
    2. Copy over the database files from your atlassian-crowd-1.1.2/database.
      (warning) We recommend strongly that you use an external database server rather than the HSQL database supplied with Crowd for evaluation purposes.

      Refer to the Tomcat documentation for further service options.
