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10 April 2008

Atlassian presents Clover 2.2

 Clover 2.2 allows you to improve your coverage reporting with stack trace navigation, better cross-referencing and Dashboard visualisations. The IDE and build-tool variants of Clover will also see a prominent upgrade on release.Upgrading to Clover 2.2 is free for all customers with active Clover software maintenance at date of launch.

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Upgrading to Clover 2.2

Clover 2.2 can be downloaded from the Clover Download Centre. Before upgrading, please refer to the relevant documentation:

Highlights of Clover 2.2

New visualisations for Dashboard

Clover 2.2 adds new histogram charts, which show coverage distribution across all your project's classes. A new scatter plot shows complexity against coverage, making outlying classes easier to spot. A sparkline version of the histogram chart is also included.

Stack trace navigation in reports

This feature will help you diagnose test failures and the lines of code where the failure occurred.
Relevant lines of source files are annotated, marking them to indicate that a failure occurred at that point. A pop-up dialog shows the full trace or a few lines of context (stack lines) on either side, plus information about which test(s) failed there.

Better cross-referencing in reports

Source reports now have much better cross-referencing, providing class identifier linking.

Don't go backwards

Clover can now be configured to warn you (and optionally fail your build) when your coverage drops. In this way, you can ensure that your code coverage is maintained or improves over time.

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