This is the documentation for Clover 4.0. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Clover, or visit the latest Clover documentation.

General instructions

1. Upgrade Clover-for-Eclipse version

Click "Help -> Check for updates" and select "Clover" and "Clover Ant Support" features. Follow the wizard instructions.

2. Update license key (optional)

Installing new license key is necessary when you're installing a Clover version released after end of support date of your current license. Open the "Window -> Preferences -> Clover -> License" and paste a new key.

3. Rebuild workspace (optional)

Clover's database format may change in newer versions. In such case you'll get a build error with a message informing about database incompatibility. In such case you have to delete old database files - rebuild your workspace and answer "Yes" on a question "You are doing a rebuild, do you want to delete the old coverage data for project ... ?".

Upgrading from specific releases

Please see the Clover Release Notes and the Clover-for-Eclipse Changelog for version-specific upgrade instructions.

Upgrading from Clover 3.3 to Clover 4.0

In order to upgrade from Clover 3.3 to Clover 4.0 you have to:

  • disable Clover on your projects ("Package Explorer -> context menu -> Clover -> Enable/Disable on...") - this is necessary to remove "Clover Pre-Java Builder" and "Clover Post-Java Builder",
  • uninstall previous version of Clover and next install the Clover-for-Eclipse 4.x (un-installation is necessary because Clover's features and plugins have been renamed from com.cenqua.*** to com.atlassian.***),
  • enable Clover on your projects.
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