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2009 年 5 月 11 日

Atlassian presents Clover 2.5

Clover 2.5 is a major release with a key new feature called Distributed Per-Test Coverage, which will allow you to optimize your functional tests. It also brings the breakthrough recent feature Test Optimization to the Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA development environments.

Upgrading to Clover 2.5 is free for all customers with active Clover software maintenance at date of launch.

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Upgrading to Clover 2.5

Clover 2.5 can be downloaded from the Clover Download Centre. Before upgrading, please refer to the relevant documentation:

Highlights of Clover 2.5

Test Optimization in Clover for Eclipse and IDEA

Clover's much-lauded feature called Test Optimization is now available in Clover for Eclipse and Clover for IntelliJ IDEA, bringing the ability to run only the tests that have been affected by changes to program code. In many cases this will cut down the running time of your test phases and allow you to run them far more often. This is in sharp contrast with the traditional 'shotgun testing' which indiscriminately runs every single test, regardless of whether any code within has changed.

Read more: About Test Optimization

Distributed Per-Test Coverage

With the new Distributed Per-Test Coverage feature, Clover now has the ability to record per-test coverage from tests that are running in separate test JVMs, which may be co-sited or distributed around a network. This allows you to roll together results from unit and functional tests, from JVMs running different test frameworks, possibly in remote locations, yet resulting in a single unified view of your project's code coverage.

This feature also allows you to run Clover's famous Test Optimization on your functional tests. A battery of functional tests (being generally more time-consuming than unit tests) strongly benefits from the ability to run only the tests on code which has changed.

Read more: About Distributed Per-Test Coverage


Clover 2.5 is significantly faster than previous versions, supporting a range of performance-enhancing settings. Clover can now be configured to gather information only at the level at which you need it, making it faster.

Read more: Clover Performance Tuning

Over 20 bug fixes and improvements

See the changelog for details.

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