I will demo the Structure Plugin for JIRA, which is our solution to subtask-of-a-subtask problem. Incidentally, it makes JIRA usable as a to-do list or as a mind-mapping tool.
If time allows, I will also show a quite unexpected use of JIRA with this plugin.
jonathan doklovic
Alon Even-Haim
How soon can this Structure plugin be available?
Igor Sereda
Alon, it's avaialble. Check out https://plugins.atlassian.com/plugin/details/34717
Alon Even-Haim
This is great news!!!
What do we need to do in order to add it and start using it?
Igor Sereda
Alon, you can install it from the Administrator | Plugins menu in your JIRA. Search plugins for "Structure". If you got JIRA 4.2, you need to manually upload the plugin. Then you need to get an evaluation license.
Documentation: http://wiki.almworks.com/display/structure/Installing+Structure
Let me suggest to post further questions here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/ask/?tags=jira+structure as this wiki page is a bit outdated