I will demo the Structure Plugin for JIRA, which is our solution to subtask-of-a-subtask problem. Incidentally, it makes JIRA usable as a to-do list or as a mind-mapping tool.

If time allows, I will also show a quite unexpected use of JIRA with this plugin.

  • ラベルなし


  1. Because You've Got a Hierarchy of Issues


  2. How soon can this Structure plugin be available?

  3. This is great news!!!

    What do we need to do in order to add it and start using it?

    1. Alon, you can install it from the Administrator | Plugins menu in your JIRA. Search plugins for "Structure". If you got JIRA 4.2, you need to manually upload the plugin. Then you need to get an evaluation license.

      Documentation: http://wiki.almworks.com/display/structure/Installing+Structure

      Let me suggest to post further questions here: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/ask/?tags=jira+structure as this wiki page is a bit outdated
