Here are the scheduled, 45 minute talks presented at AtlasCamp 2010. See also the list of unscheduled lightning talks for more.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

  • ラベルなし


  1. So, where are the slides about Functional and Integration Testing for the Lazy?

    1. Maybe Don took the Lazy bit too seriously.

      1. Well, if you'll recall, there were only two slides. The rest was coding. We'll have the videos up in a few weeks.

        1. Is there any chance to get the example code before that? (This might have been mentioned on the two slides.)

        2. I am really waiting too the shown exemple of code using the WebDriver and PageObject.

  2. Any chance of getting the AO slides?

      1. Can we get someone to open up permissions on the example plugin?  

        1. What's your specific problem? I thought I already had open it. If you tell me the exact issue I'll look into it.

          1. When I click the link, it says "You are not permitted to perform this operation."  I'm logged into Studio, but apparently I don't have access to that project.

            1. This should all be fixed now. However there isn't much on the wiki, everything is:
