サポート ポリシー
Bitbucket Server FAQ
- Bitbucket rebrand FAQ
- How do I change the external database password
- Bitbucket Server home directory
- Raising a request with Atlassian Support
- サポート ポリシー
- Building Bitbucket Server from source
- Contributing to the Bitbucket Server documentation
- Collecting analytics for Bitbucket Server
- Bitbucket Server EAP - How to update your add-on
- Raising a request with Atlassian Support
- Contributing to the Bitbucket Server documentation
- Communication of personal data breaches in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Bitbucket Data Center and Server Knowledge Base
- Finding Your Bitbucket Server Support Entitlement Number (SEN)
- Bitbucket Server Features and Best Practices
- New features policy
- Requesting add-ons
- Install or upgrade Bitbucket Server
- Bitbucket Server documentation
サポート ポリシーの目次ページにようこそ。ここでは、アトラシアン サポートの詳細、およびアトラシアンの有能なサポート エンジニアと連絡を取る方法について説明しています。詳細については、次の関連ページを選択してください。
- Bug fixing policy
- New features policy
- セキュリティ バグ修正ポリシー
- Finding Your Bitbucket Server Support Entitlement Number (SEN)
To request support from Atlassian, please raise a support issue in our online support system. To do this, visit support.atlassian.com, log in (creating an account if need be) and create an issue under Bitbucket Server. Our friendly support engineers will get right back to you with an answer.
最終更新日 2015 年 9 月 16 日
- Raising a request with Atlassian Support
- Contributing to the Bitbucket Server documentation
- Communication of personal data breaches in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Bitbucket Data Center and Server Knowledge Base
- Finding Your Bitbucket Server Support Entitlement Number (SEN)
- Bitbucket Server Features and Best Practices
- New features policy
- Requesting add-ons
- Install or upgrade Bitbucket Server
- Bitbucket Server documentation
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