View builds information in Bitbucket


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To view builds information in Bitbucket Data Center, you first need to link it with your CI (continuous integration) server. Once they’re linked, you’ll then be able to see build results and additional related information right next to your code where it's most valuable.

Builds information is shown in a number of contextually relevant places in Bitbucket:

  • The Builds page gives you an overview of all builds across your instance. To find a specific build here you can filter by branch or commit. Once you’ve found it, you can then see its test results, access direct links to its logs and artifacts, and perform build actions.
  • On the Pull request page you can see builds information in two locations – you can see the latest build status in the Overview tab, and you can see builds information for each commit in the Builds tab. Just like on the Builds page, here you can access log and artifact links, and act on builds.
  • On the Commits and Branches pages you can see the latest build status for each item. For more information, you can also select any build status icon. This will take you to the builds page where the filter will be automatically set to that commit or branch.
最終更新日 2024 年 9 月 24 日


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