Configure your CI server


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Integrated CI/CD allows you to use configuration as code to set up and manage builds and deployments. This approach of storing your configuration as source code has many advantages – it enables easier automation, change tracking, validation, and more. For details, check out the benefits of configuration as code .

Before you continue, make sure you’ve linked with your CI server. Then complete these steps, which we’ll outline in more detail below:

  1. Create a configuration file
  2. Check the configuration file into the target repository
  3. Configure Bamboo or Jenkins

On this page:


1. Create a configuration file

Integrated CI/CD supports Bamboo and Jenkins, which use their own types of configuration as code files.

CI サーバーConfiguration file type関連ドキュメント

Bamboo Specs file

Bamboo Specs documentation

Bamboo Specs reference


Jenkinsfile documentation on

2. Check the configuration file into the target repository

Once you’ve created your configuration file, check it into the Bitbucket repository you want your CI Server to build from. Then you need to configure Bamboo or Jenkins to detect it.

3. Configure Bamboo or Jenkins

If you use Bamboo, you need to configure Bamboo to scan Bitbucket for Bamboo Specs .

If you use Jenkins, you need to configure a Jenkins pipeline and specify the Bitbucket repository to build from.

Then when your build starts, it will appear on the Builds page. Here you can:

最終更新日 2024 年 9 月 24 日


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