- アクティビティ ログ
- エージェント
- エージェント固有機能
- 成果物
- Bamboo の作成者
- ビルド
- ビルド アクティビティ
- ビルド期間
- ビルド ログ
- ビルド キュー
- ビルド結果
- ビルド テレメトリ
- 機能
- 子
- コミッター
- カスタム機能
- デフォルト リポジトリ
- エラスティック エージェント
- エラスティック Bamboo
- エラスティック ブロック ストア
- エラスティック イメージ
- エラスティック インスタンス
- 実行可能ファイル
- お気に入り
- グローバル権限
- ジョブ
- ラベル
- parent
- 権限
- 計画
- 権限の計画
- Bamboo のプロジェクト
- キュー
- 理由
- リモート エージェント
- リモート エージェント スーパーバイザー
- 要件
- 共有機能
- ステージ
- Stock images
- タスク
- トリガ
- watcher
- Source code checkout task in Bamboo fails after ever 2 successfull runs with "unable to fork" error
- How to start up Bamboo with build plans, deployment environments, branch detection and build status updates disabled
- Your shared Bamboo configuration version is too old comparing to local node Bamboo version
- Build failing after upgrade due to Bamboo 5.x due to installed third party plugin
- Bamboo Specs troubleshooting
- Bamboo fails to start due to "fatal bootstrap Bamboo bootstrap failed: failed to find config at: bamboo.cfg.xml"
- Troubleshooting Builds
- Build monitoring
- After moving Bamboo to a new server, all plan-related Git operations stop working
- Your Bamboo instance could not start because the Bamboo home directory does not match the database
- Successful — the code compiled, with or without errors, and all tests completed successfully.
- Failed — either the code did not compile, or at least one test failed.
- Incomplete — the build was not completed, e.g. it may have been stopped manually.
- if the build result is Failed, and the previous build result was Successful, the build is labeled as Broken.
- if the build result is Successful, and the previous build result was Failed, the build is labeled as Fixed.
最終更新日 2021 年 6 月 7 日
- Source code checkout task in Bamboo fails after ever 2 successfull runs with "unable to fork" error
- How to start up Bamboo with build plans, deployment environments, branch detection and build status updates disabled
- Your shared Bamboo configuration version is too old comparing to local node Bamboo version
- Build failing after upgrade due to Bamboo 5.x due to installed third party plugin
- Bamboo Specs troubleshooting
- Bamboo fails to start due to "fatal bootstrap Bamboo bootstrap failed: failed to find config at: bamboo.cfg.xml"
- Troubleshooting Builds
- Build monitoring
- After moving Bamboo to a new server, all plan-related Git operations stop working
- Your Bamboo instance could not start because the Bamboo home directory does not match the database
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