Home directory folder list
Here's the complete list of content inside the home directory in Bamboo Server, and what is their status after the upgrade to Data Center. This table lists the default location of the shared
folder. You can also configure a custom location of your shared home folder. See Configuring shared home location.
名前 | 説明 | Path in Bamboo Server relative to Bamboo home | Status in Bamboo Data Center |
Analytics | Used by Analytics plugin to buffer analytics events which are sent periodically. | /analytics-logs | Unchanged. |
アーティファクト | Build artifacts. | /artifacts | Moved to the shared home. |
添付ファイル | Contains the favicon and logo image for the custom look and feel. | /attachments | Moved to the shared home. |
バックアップ | XML backup of the database. | /backups | Moved to the shared home. |
キャッシュ | Instance cache folder. | /caches | Unchanged. |
データベース | Used by evaluation-only H2 DB. | /database | Moved to the shared home. |
エクスポート | ATST plugin support zip folder. | /export | Moved to the shared home. |
エクスポート | DB backup to be exported by the node. | /exports | Moved to the shared home. |
インデックス | Used by the deprecated Lucene index. | /index | Moved to the shared home. |
JMS Store | Used by KahaDB. (ActiveMQ persistence) | /jms-store | Moved to the shared home. |
Logs | Instance logs. | /logs | Unchanged. |
プラグイン | Plugin installation folder. | /plugins | Moved to the shared home. |
Server state | Used by the seamless restarts feature in Bamboo DC. | /serverState | Moved to the shared home. |
Temporary | Temporary files used by the script tasks, Docker runner, build warnings task, etc. | /temp | Unchanged. |
テンプレート | Used by Freemarker to allow customization of Bamboo UI. | /templates | Moved to the shared home. |
Build directory | The working directory for repository caches. | /xml-data/build-dir | Moved to <bamboo-home>/local-working-dir . |
Build results | Contains job build results and their downloadable data, like logs. | /xml-data/builds | Moved to <bamboo-shared-home>/builds . |
構成 | Contains the cipher, broker key storage for SSL connection to agents, serialization whitelist, the crowd.properties file, and the administration.xml file, which stores the instance's settings also available through the UI. | /xml-data/configuration | Moved to <bamboo-shared-home>/configuration . |
Cluster info | Contains an internal info.xml file that stores the current state of the cluster. | N/A | Created in <bamboo-shared-home>/clusterInfo . |
SSL | Stores certificates for gRPC-based inter-node communication authentication. The directory should be manually restricted to be accessible only by the users running the application nodes, with the read, write, and execute access. | N/A | Created in <bamboo-shared-home>/ssl |
最終更新日 2024 年 11 月 21 日
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