Configuring jobs

A Bamboo job is a single build unit within a plan. One or more jobs can be organized into one or more stages. The jobs in a stage can all be run at the same time if enough Bamboo agents are available. A job allows you to collect together a number of tasks that you want to be run sequentially on the same agent.

You must have the Admin or Create plan global permission to configure jobs.

Bamboo プランの既存のジョブを設定する方法

  1. From the Bamboo header select Build > All build plans.
  2. Select the edit icon () for the plan you want to edit.
  3. Select the required job (under Stages & jobs):
    Job list in plan configuration screen
  4. Select a selected tab to begin editing that aspect of your job:

最終更新日 2021 年 5 月 31 日


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