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This page describes how to configure a Bamboo MSTest Runner task. The MSTest Runner task runs and parses tests for .NET builds.


To configure a Bamboo MSTest Runner task:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks configuration tab for the job (this will be the default Job if creating a new plan).
  2. Click the name of an existing MSTest Runner task, or click Add Task and then MSTest Runner to create a new task.
  3. タスク設定の更新

タスクの説明A description of the task, for display in Bamboo.

The MSTest Runner executable that you wish to use for this task (e.g. "Visual Studio 2010"). The executable that you select will become one of the task's capability requirements (and hence, one of the job's requirements). For details, please see Configuring a job's requirements.

Specifically for MSTest, we recommend that the executable be defined with the Visual Studio IDE folder path. Example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\

This will allow Bamboo to find the necessary resources.

環境変数ビルドに渡す追加の環境変数。例: JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx256m -Xms128m"
ContainerThe test container, i.e. the file that contains the tests you want to run. For example, tests.dll. The value of this field is passed to the MSTest.exe as the /testcontainer parameter. See MSTest.exe Command-Line Options (MSDN).
Test MetadataThe path to the Test Metadata file relative to the working directory. For example, "MyApp\MyApp.vsmdi"
結果ファイル名The file that you want to save the test results to. For example, testResults.trx. The value of this field is passed to the MSTest.exe as the /resultsfile parameter. See MSTest.exe Command-Line Options (MSDN).
Run ConfigurationThe run configuration that you want to use. For example, localtestrun.Testrunconfig. The value of this field is passed to the MSTest.exe as the /runconfig parameter. See MSTest.exe Command-Line Options (MSDN).

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