This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.7. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

The following pages contain information about configuring jobs and tasks for your Bamboo plans. If you are looking for information about Bamboo builds, please see Working with builds.


A Bamboo job is a single build unit within a plan. One or more jobs can be organised into one or more stages. The jobs in a stage can all be run at the same time, if enough Bamboo agents are available. A job is made up of one or more tasks.


  • Processes a series of one or more tasks that are run sequentially on the same agent.
  • タスクが実行される順番を制御します。
  • Collects the requirements of individual tasks in the job, so that these requirements can be matched with agent capabilities.
  • Defines the artifacts that the build will produce.
  • 前のステージで生成されたアーティファクトのみを使用することができます。
  • Specifies any labels with which the build result or build artifacts will be tagged.

Bamboo で作成された新しい各プランには、少なくとも 1 つのジョブ含まれています。これは「デフォルト ジョブ」と呼ばれます。

Projects and plans can only be configured by Bamboo administrators (see Creating a plan).


  • ソース コードのチェックアウト、Maven 目標の実行、スクリプトの実行、またはテスト結果の解析など、作業の小さな個別の単位です。
  • Is run sequentially within a job on a Bamboo working directory.

Tasks may make use of an executable if required. Tasks are configured within the scope of a job. A job can be configured to execute a number of tasks, on the same working directory. For example, before executing a Maven goal, the user could substitute specific files within the working directory, substitute version numbers, checkout source repositories or execute a script.

スクリーンショット: ジョブのタスクの設定

  • ラベルなし