1.3 What is an OpenID URL or identifier?
To log in to an OpenID-enabled website you need an OpenID identifier, also called an OpenID URL or simply an OpenID. Your OpenID is a URL (web address) which points to your organization's CrowdID server. Here are some examples of what your OpenID may look like:
To find your OpenID URL, you can:
- Ask your system administrator, or
- Click the 'My OpenID' link on the 'Home' tab of the CrowdID page.
Endpoint URLs
You can also use CrowdID's endpoint URL to log in to OpenID-enabled websites. The OpenID URLs for specific users may look like:
Crowd also provides an endpoint URL that you can pass to login sites to have your identifier automatically selected:
- 1.1 What is OpenID?
- 1.2 What is CrowdID?
- 1.3 What is an OpenID URL or identifier?
- 1.4 Viewing the CrowdID page
最終更新日 2024 年 4 月 15 日
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