Granting Crowd User Rights to a User
This page tells you how to authorize users to access Crowd, without giving them Crowd administration rights. Only Crowd administrators can authorize other users to access Crowd.
Administrators and Non-Administrators
The Crowd Administration Console presents the full range of Crowd administration functionality to authorized Crowd administrators.
Authorized Crowd users who are not administrators can also access the Crowd Console. They will see a subset of functionality, which we call the 'Self-Service Console'. Refer to the User Guide for details of this functionality.
Non-administrators cannot affect other users or the Crowd installation
Granting Crowd user rights will give your users the power to update their own profiles and passwords and view their authorization details. But they will not be able to view or update other user profiles, nor perform any Crowd administration functions.
Authorizing Non-Administrators to Use the Crowd Self-Service Console
To authorize a non-administrator to use Crowd, you should ensure that both of the following are true:
- The person's username is in a user directory where all users are authorized to use Crowd. See the instructions below.
- The person is not a member of a group mapped to the 'crowd' application. (Group members will have Crowd administration rights.)
To grant an entire directory access to Crowd,
- Crowd Administration Console にログインします。
- Map your chosen user directory to the 'crowd' application.
- On the 'Directories' tab, set the 'Allow All to Authenticate' option to 'True'.
- Add the user(s) to the directory, if not already added.
Screenshot: Granting an entire directory access to the 'crowd' application
Granting Crowd Administration Rights to a User
User Guide
Crowd 3.0 beta documentation