Unable to Apply Space Permissions due to exceeding the maximum number of request parameters
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When trying to apply space permission for a user/group, an error is thrown and the following appears in the catalina.out
12-Oct-2017 13:45:56.435 INFO [http-nio-9001-exec-16] org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters.processParameters More than the maximum number of request parameters (GET plus POST) for a single request ([10,000]) were detected. Any parameters beyond this limit have been ignored. To change this limit, set the maxParameterCount attribute on the Connector.
This occurs because Tomcat has reached a maximum number of request parameters when trying to add a user/group to a space permission page. This usually happens when there are many users and groups defined in the space permission.
Add the following attribute to the Connector in the <confluence-install>/conf/server.xml:
The default value is 10000, so the new value should be something higher. In the example above, it is set to 20000. It can also be set to 0 to allow unlimited request parameters.
Refer to the Apache Tomcat 8 Configuration Reference for the full documentation of this Connector attribute.