How to disable Collaborative Editing in Confluence if it cannot be disabled through the UI
Customers can disable Collaborative Editing from the
> General Configuration > Collaborative editing admin screen.If the Confluence base URL, network, or proxy is not configured properly, you might get an error ("Something went wrong. Please try again.") when trying to disable Collaborative Editing / Synchrony. When this occurs, the safest way to disable Synchrony is through a REST endpoint.
This can be done through a script, or by running a CURL command. Options:
- Open a terminal and run the following:
curl -X POST --user admin:password --header "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" https://your.confluence.url/rest/synchrony-interop/disable
Make sure to replace admin and password with the actual credentials for your Confluence system admin user. Also make sure https://your.confluence.url is replaced by your base URL.
Or, you can do this through a python script:
import requests def main(): session = requests.session() session.auth = ('admin', 'password') headers = {'X-Atlassian-Token': 'no-check'} resp ='https://your.confluence.url/rest/synchrony-interop/disable', headers=headers) print(resp) print(resp.content) main()
Make sure to replace admin and password with the actual credentials for your Confluence system admin user. Also make sure https://your.confluence.url is replaced by your base URL.
Similarly, you can enable Synchrony manually through the following command:
curl -X POST --user admin:password --header "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check" https://your.confluence.url/rest/synchrony-interop/enable
From our guide on Administering Collaborative Editing, these are the implications when disabling Synchrony or setting it to 'OFF':
このモードでは、チーム メンバーはページ内の自分の下書きのみを編集できます。保存時、Confluence は競合のマージを試みます。このモードは Confluence 5 の編集エクスペリエンスを踏襲しています。
このモードは、ご使用の環境で Synchrony を正常に実行できない場合や、共同編集が適当でないと判断された場合 (共同編集を使用できない監査要件があるなど) に役立ちます。