Too Many Open Files in Bitbucket Data Center


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


Under heavy load, Bitbucket may log errors of "Too many open files".
At the same time, Git operations may fail and web interface may not be fully functional.


This issue may occur in various versions of Bitbucket Server and Data Center on Linux.
For example, it has been seen in the version 5.16.11.


The application logs (eg. atlassian-bitbucket.log) may show multiple errors similar to the following:

2021-02-02 23:59:58,584 ERROR https-jsse-nio-8443-Acceptor-0 Socket accept failed Too many open files
at Method)
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... 1 frame trimmed


Bitbucket's process, combined with its child (Git) processes, has too many open files, and has reached the maximum limit set in the Operating System.
UNIX systems have a limit on the number of files that can be concurrently open by any one process. This error indicates that the limit has been reached and Bitbucket is unable to open additional files to complete the on-going operations.

Solution based on the limits.conf file

In order to resolve this issue, you will need to allow Bitbucket to open more files than it is currently allowed to.
This involves a change in the configuration of the Operating System and a change in Bitbucket's startup procedure.

  1. Log into Bitbucket's Linux server as Bitbucket's user (eg. atlbitbucket), open terminal window and run the following command, to find the currently applied limit:

    ulimit -aS | grep open

    The returned value is too low for your Bitbucket's process.

  2. Use sudo command, or switch user to root, and edit /etc/security/limits.conf
    Specify the new soft and hard limit for Bitbucket's user. For example, to set both limits to 64K for user atlbitbucket, you need to specify:

    atlbitbucket      soft    nofile  65536
    atlbitbucket      hard    nofile  65536

    In some instances, the limit of 64K may still be too restrictive, and you may need to raise it to 128K (134217728).
    We do not recommend specifying an unlimited value, even if your Linux Operating System allows it.

  3. Edit Bitbucket's $BITBUCKET_INSTALL_DIR/bin/ script.
    Find the line that begins with: MAX_OPEN_FILES= 
    and change it to the same limit you specified in the previous step.
    In this example, this line should be:

  4. Restart the server (including the Operating System) for the new settings to be applied.

  5. If this is Bitbucket Data Center with multiple nodes, repeat the steps 1 through 4 for each node, one-by-one.
    In step 4, to prevent the downtime, you may use the rolling restart of all nodes.

  6. To verify if the new limit has been correctly applied, you may use one of the following two methods:
    • Generate a Support Zip (in Data Center, one from each Bitbucket node), extract it, open application-properties/application.xml and look for the line similar to:


      This method allows you to confirm the change on each node of Bitbucket Data Center.

    • In Bitbucket's web interface, navigate to Administration > Troubleshooting and support tools > System Information.
      Next, scroll down to the last section: Operating System, where you should see:

      Max File Descriptors   65,536

      This method only allows to confirm the change on the node to which your browser is currently connected.

Solution when installed as a systemd service

When Bitbucket is installed as a systemd service you may need to update the service unit file as described below.
If you are sure Bitbucket is running as a systemd service, go straight to Step 2.

  1. Check if Bitbucket is configured as a systemd service. This helps to identify if this is the case and the service name, in case you are not sure.

    grep -i bitbucket /etc/systemd/system/*.service /lib/systemd/system/*.service

    In this example, the name of our service is bitbucket.service, which is the name of the unit file itself and is located in the standard folder /etc/systemd/system.

  2. サービス ユニット ファイル (この例では /etc/systemd/system/bitbucket.service) を編集して次の行を追加します。

  3. サーバーを再起動します。

  4. To ensure the new value is being used by the application, take a Support Zip and search for the max-file-descriptor attribute in application-properties/application.xml file.
    You should find the line reflecting the change, as shown below:


最終更新日 2024 年 5 月 24 日


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