コミット タブの課題列に Jira の課題キーへのリンクが表示されない


After establishing an AppLink between Bitbucket Server and JIRA successfully you are able to see a column called Issues on the Commit tab of your repositories, but Bitbucket Server does not show the links to a JIRA issue as described on the section of JIRA integration - Bitbucket Server.


  1. Bitbucket Server is not picking up the JIRA issue keys because they are customised ones and the software is expecting the default ones to be parsed from the commit messages.

  2. Bitbucket Server relies on hook scripts that are installed into each repository (and managed by the system) to provide change information that, in turn, allows it to index JIRA issues, update pull requests and check branch permissions, for instance. If the hooks are not installed correctly, or are damaged, these required callbacks do not happen and the functionality associated with them fails.

  3. This bug: BSERV-4287 JIRA keys not being indexed for individual repositories
  4. Bitbucket Server's home directory is mounted on a volume that has hit the limit of the number of subdirectories in a directory. This prevents the creation of the required directories in the <BitbucketHome>/shared/data/snapshots directory and this in turn prevents the indexing of Jira issue keys.


  1. The steps described on Integrating with custom JIRA issue key in Bitbucket should be followed to fix this issue.
  2. To fix the hook scripts, follow the instructions in Git hook scripts are not executing after upgrading to Bitbucket Data Center 8.x.
  3. Upgrade to a version of Bitbucket Server that contains the fix for the bug
  4. Move your Bitbucket shared home directory to a volume that has a higher limit of subdirectories in a directory, or delete some directories you no longer need. Note: You may choose to move a repository to a different Bitbucket Server datastore (or have new repositories created there), but the indexes for Jira issue keys are always stored in the shared home directory of Bitbucket Server, so this will not resolve the problem.
Last modified on Mar 6, 2025


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