Troubleshoot sidecar startup

If you're starting your Bitbucket Data Center application and see the “Sidecar failed to start” error message in your browser, you’ll need to investigate the logs of Bitbucket Mesh for further details.

Check your Mesh logs

Although you may not have any Bitbucket Mesh nodes set up, Bitbucket always starts a local Bitbucket Mesh node called the sidecar for Git operations.

To find the specific log file for further investigation:

  1. Navigate to the Mesh log directory of your Bitbucket app node:  $BITBUCKET_HOME/mesh/log
  2. Open the atlassian-mesh.log log file

At the bottom of the atlassian-mesh.log file, you’ll find the root cause of why the sidecar failed to start and more details about what needs to be done to fix the problem.

Some of the most common causes for this error include:

  • You have an unsupported version of Git installed on your server which is trying to be used for your Bitbucket application and your sidecar. For more information on the supported Git versions, see Supported platforms.
  • The sidecar process has been killed by something before Bitbucket could be fully started. Restarting your Bitbucket instance will restart your sidecar process.

If you find that the information presented in the atlassian-mesh.log file does not provide you with enough information to help resolve your problem, contact the Atlassian support team for further assistance.

最終更新日: 2022 年 12 月 7 日


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