Add a system-wide announcement banner
Bitbucket Data Center と Server の管理
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- Bitbucket guardrails
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- Bitbucket Server の拡張
- Add a shortcut link to a repository
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- Adding additional storage for your repository data
- Add a system-wide announcement banner
- アプリケーションを横断したプロジェクト リンクの構成
- レート制限でインスタンスの安定性を改善する
- Atlasssian Data Center アプリケーションで CDN を使用する
- Manage keys and tokens
- 他のアプリケーションにリンクする
- Setting a system-wide default branch name
- 非アクティブなプル リクエストを自動的に却下
- Secure Bitbucket configuration properties
- データ パイプライン
- アプリケーション パフォーマンスを監視する
- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- Multi-byte characters on dashboard are garbled in case language is set to Japanese, Korean or Chinese
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Manage your language preferences
- The email request received on Jira Service Desk displays the content in a non-readable format
- Choosing a Default Language
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- How to delete a branch with non-UTF-8 characters in the branch name in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Accented or extended UTF-8 characters cause "Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error
An announcement banner is a great way to communicate important information like scheduled downtime or upcoming maintenance periods. When turned on, it appears in Bitbucket Data Center and Server at the top of every page until you turn it off, helping to make sure you get your message out.
When setting up your banner, you can:
use markdown syntax to add bold and italic text, and to add a link to where users can find more information
control whether all users or only logged-in users can see it
Turning on the announcement banner
You can set up and turn on the announcement banner through the Bitbucket settings page.
To turn on the announcement banner:
Go to
> Announcement Banner
Change the status to On
Write your message
Select who should see it
[保存] を選択します。
Your announcement banner will appear immediately.
When writing your message, use the banner preview to make sure it fits inside the banner. If it doesn’t, you won’t be able to save it.
Turning off the announcement banner
Once you turn on your announcement banner it will be shown to users until you turn it off.
To turn off the announcement banner:
Go to
> Announcement Banner
Change the status to Off
[保存] を選択します。
- Japanese fonts display as square characters with question marks on CentOS hosted Confluence
- 2 Byte characters (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) do not display in Powerpoint macro
- Multi-byte characters on dashboard are garbled in case language is set to Japanese, Korean or Chinese
- International Characters in Notification Email Subject Lines Are Being Replaced with Question Mark
- Manage your language preferences
- The email request received on Jira Service Desk displays the content in a non-readable format
- Choosing a Default Language
- Unexpected end of input block in CDATA section error while accessing page or space after database conversion to utf8
- How to delete a branch with non-UTF-8 characters in the branch name in Bitbucket Server and Data Center
- Accented or extended UTF-8 characters cause "Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters" error