How to configure temporary directory in Bamboo server
The information in this page relates to customizations in Bamboo. Consequently, Atlassian Support cannot guarantee to provide any support for the steps described on this page as customizations are not covered under Atlassian Support Offerings. Please be aware that this material is provided for your information only and that you use it at your own risk.
また、ファイルの直接変更によって行われるカスタマイズは、アップグレード プロセスには含まれない点にご注意ください。このような変更は、アップグレード後のインスタンスで手動で再適用する必要があります。
プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Fisheye および Crucible は除く
In some scenarios, it might be required to change or configure the temporary directory (java temp directory) for Bamboo server.
This temp directory is used by the JVM for temporary file storage. The JVM is configured to use this as its in the and catalina.bat scripts. Tomcat is configured to use this temporary directory rather than its default for security reasons. The temp directory must exist for Tomcat to work correctly.
Follow the instructions below to change the temporary directory in Bamboo server according to your Operating System:
Linux or MacOs
- Stop Bamboo.
- From
, open Find the section CATALINA_TMPDIR=, for example:
if [ -z "$CATALINA_TMPDIR" ] ; then # Define the to use for Catalina CATALINA_TMPDIR="$CATALINA_BASE"/temp fi
- Change "$CATALINA_BASE"/temp to the desired directory and save the changes.
- Start Bamboo back.
Windows (starting from the .bat file)
- Stop Bamboo.
- From
, open catalina.bat. Find the section CATALINA_TMPDIR=, for example:
if not "%CATALINA_TMPDIR%" == "" goto gotTmpdir set "CATALINA_TMPDIR=%CATALINA_BASE%\temp" :gotTmpdir
- Change %CATALINA_BASE%\temp to the desired directory and save the changes..
- Start Bamboo back.
Windows サービス
- Stop Bamboo service.
Add the following Java option by configuring your system properties:
Change /path/to/tempdir to the desired directory and save the changes..
Start Bamboo back.
Please also see How to configure the temporary directory for a Bamboo remote agent.