Bamboo apps (plugins) usage report for build and deployment tasks


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プラットフォームについて: Server および Data Center のみ。この記事は、Server および Data Center プラットフォームのアトラシアン製品にのみ適用されます。

Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.

*Fisheye および Crucible は除く


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また、アトラシアン サポートのサポート対象外のご質問の場合には、Community もご活用ください。


It is important to have certain control over what apps are being used in Bamboo, either from a technical, security and even a financial perspective.

Bamboo has the ability to provide certain information directly from the database that would report its apps (plugin) usage.


Bamboo connected to an external database.


 The SQL selects provided above will not show information from non-task related apps. For non-task apps, we recommend you open a Support ticket or in case the app is not supported by Atlassian, get in touch with the vendor for more details.

The following SQL select statements provide some numbers related to used apps used by build and deployment tasks. Network traffic accounting is not implemented natively and is something that needs to be implemented at the app level, so far we haven't seen any app that records that information. If you require such information we recommend you reach out to your app vendor for more information.

The provided queries are in PostgreSQL format, you may have to adapt them to your database.  

Show per-plan plugin last run usage
SELECT   innertable.*,
         Max(brs.build_completed_date) AS last_run_date
FROM     (
          SELECT DISTINCT Array_to_string(Regexp_matches(bd.xml_definition_data,'<pluginKey>(.*?)</pluginKey>','g'), ';') AS plugin,
                          b.full_key                                                                                      AS fullkey
          FROM            build_definition                                                                                AS bd
          JOIN            build                                                                                           AS b
          ON              b.build_id = bd.build_id ) AS innertable,
         buildresultsummary brs
WHERE    innertable.plugin != ''
AND      brs.build_key = innertable.fullkey
GROUP BY (innertable.plugin, innertable.fullkey)
ORDER BY fullkey;
Show per-deployment plan/environment last run usage
SELECT   innertable.plugin,         
         Max(dr.finished_date) as last_run_date
FROM     (
          SELECT DISTINCT Array_to_string(Regexp_matches(de.xml_definition_data,'<pluginKey>(.*?)</pluginKey>','g'), ';') AS plugin,
                          de."name"                                                                              AS environmentname,
          FROM            deployment_environment AS de
          JOIN            deployment_project     AS dp
          ON              de.package_definition_id = dp.deployment_project_id ) AS innertable,
         deployment_result dr
WHERE    innertable.plugin != ''
AND      innertable.environment_id = dr.environment_id
GROUP BY (innertable.plugin, innertable.environmentname, innertable."name")
ORDER BY name, environmentname;

最終更新日 2022 年 6 月 21 日


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