Known issue with the clustermessage table in Assets for Data Center

これは、バージョン 8.13 から Jira で直接設定できるようになりました。

  1. Jira 管理者ページで、[システム] > [詳細設定] > [サービス] を選択します。 
  2. クラスタ メッセージ フラッシュ サービスの保存期間を設定します。

There is a known issue with importing large datasets in Assets for Data Center in a short period of time. Assets is using Atlassian Cache API to replicate data between nodes, where the Jira table "clustermessage" can fill up with data and cause performance issues in Jira. Since the Jira default retention period is very high (30 days) we recommend to delete the Assets-related messages from that table every 24 hours.

Below is an example of the Assets-related messages that should be deleted. Doing so won't affect your Assets data in any way.

10255| jira-cluster-7120-node1 | ALL|| INSIGHT_DATA_CACHE:-OBJECT_UPDATED_10|2019-05-1411:19:08.427+00
10255| jira-cluster-7120-node1 | ALL||INSIGHT_DATA_CACHE:-OBJECT_REMOVED_10|2019-05-1411:19:08.427+00


DELETE FROM clustermessage WHERE message like '%INSIGHT%'

最終更新日 2022 年 9 月 26 日


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